Using the Portal Server
Control Buttons
The icons on the bottom of the Preview Window control the video. (Note that the controls here are different from those used for live broadcasts, for example, there is no Record button.) Mouseover each button to see the button title.
•Seek – Use slider at top of control panel to move forward or backward in the video.
•Play – Starts the video stream if it was previously stopped.
•Pause – Pauses the video stream until restarted.
•Stop – Stops the video from playing.
•Rewind –
•Fast Forward –
•Full – Selecting this icon changes the view to Full Screen. To exit full screen, press Esc on keyboard. You can also
•Volume – Use slider to adjust volume.
•Mute – Click to mute volume.
•CC On/Off – Turn closed captions on or off.
•Mark – Use to bookmark a stream. This creates a playlist in MyMedia with one bookmark. Press Mark again only if you want to create another bookmark to the same stream.
•Thumbnails – Create thumbnails or Upload images.
•Launch External Player – Launches the player in another browser window along with the control buttons. Once the window is launched, subsequent selections will play in the external player. The launched window can be moved or resized. Closing the main ETV Portal Server window leaves the smaller player on the screen. The viewer may be resized after launch by dragging from the corners or from any side.
Messages | The Messages area under the control panel displays any Global Message entered |
| by the administrator; it will also display additional information about the selected |
| video if it was customized by an administrator. The video title is shown above the |
| Preview Window. |
Customizing Stored Videos
Users (with Content Publishing permission) and administrators can customize or delete stored videos; they can change the name, the folder, keywords, etc. All stored videos have an Info hyperlink button that displays additional information (if available) about the video. For example it may have a description or keywords that can be used for searching, as well as links to external web sites and desktop files. (You must have the appropriate application installed locally; for example, you need PowerPoint to open a PowerPoint presentation.)
Note Note that some early NXG 7.0.1 servers do not support name or folder changes and will return a validation error if you try to make changes.
ETV Portal Server User Guide | 17 |