WinTV-USB Installation and Reference Manual

Quickselect Teletext pages
By using the Ctrl+N key a Create and Receive page pops up requesting a page number. Type the requested page number. If this page is to be received continuous- ly (every time the page is received, the page is automatically updated), click the Update Continuously box.
Many Teletext pages have a reference to other pages. For example, the TV guide section has a number of page referrals to movie background information which is being transmitted in other pages. Quickselect allows you to select these pages directly. Double click the left mouse button on the desired page number in the cur- rent Teletext page, and a new Window appears with the selected page.
If you do not want to open a new Window, but simply change to the new page, push the
With Quickselect, several pages can be called at once. If a Teletext page refers to a page sequence such as “Share Prices:
Example: “News from Page
Dynamic Data Exchange with Teletext
DDE links can be created between the Teletext pages and any Windows program supporting DDE. Programs supporting a live DDE link from a Teletext page include the Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet and Microsoft WORD.
To create a link, use your mouse to highlight the section of the Teletext page of interest. For example, if the current Teletext page has financial data, highlight with the mouse the financial item of interest by click on the beginning of the field on the Teletext page, holding your mouse button down, and releasing the mouse button at the end of the field.