Technical Support
Technical support telephone
If you have questions regarding installation or compatibility, please contact our technical support staff at:
If you should need assistance with the installation, operation, or application of your Hauppauge WinTV USB, there are several options available to you. Your prima- ry source for information and problem assistance is always your dealer. Should the need arise, contact your dealer for
Hauppauge’s Technical Support and Customer Service staff can aid in solving many problems. Our service department is available to repair any Hauppauge product. For completion of repair, the product must be returned to our factory.
If this WinTV USB is not in working order, your only recourse is repair or replacement, as described above. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will Hauppauge be liable for consequential damages, including any lost savings, lost profits, or any other damages, caused by the use of the WinTV USB or inability to use it, even if the dealer or Hauppauge has been advised of such liability or other claims.