** | ** |
13.2 Error Message
Error message | Possible causes | What to do |
No or bad signal | The aerial is not pointing properly. | Adjust aerial. |
| Check the cable from the aerial. |
| If you cannot resolve the problem you |
| may need to have your aerial and |
| installation tested by a professional. |
The service is | The service has signal, but no audio | Confirm if the service is currently on |
scrambled or not | or video. | air |
available. |
| The service is not deleted by |
| broadcasting company. |
| The channel is for data broadcasting. | Cannot watch the channel in usual |
| way. |
The channel is | This digital terrestrial receiver does |
scrambled. | not support the service that enables to |
| descramble the scrambled services. |
The audio is not | The service has signal, but no Audio. | Press the Audio button to confirm if |
available. |
| the service has Audio. |
GB 55