Importing Music
Music CDs can be imported to the Vision system using the front panel drive or imported from your PC/Mac over the network.
To import CD discs:
1.Insert the CD into the front panel optical disc drive.
2.The CD will automatically start playing.
3.Press the Back or Stop key on the IR remote to return to the DVD/CD Player menu.
4.Select the Import menu item.
5.Select either Start Import to import all tracks on the CD or select Select/Unselect Tracks to only record some of the tracks.
The CD will be imported into the Vision system. Press the Back button to return to the DVD/CD Player menu once the import is complete.
To import digital audio files from your computer:
1.Connect to your Vision using its IP address or its Server Name if you are have a Windows network.
2.Select the IMPORT volume.
3.Drag your digital music files from your PC to the IMPORT folder.
4.When the import is complete, the movie will be added to the Music library on your Vision.
If Vision is unable to determine the artist, album, or track information for the music files, they will appear as “Unknown”. You can edit the metadata for your music to change how it appears in the Music library.
Importing Photos
Digital photos can be imported to the Vision system from your PC over the network.
To import digital photo files from your computer:
1.Connect to your Vision using its IP address or its Server Name if you are have a Windows network.
2.Select the PHOTOS volume.
3.Drag folders of photos from your PC to the PHOTOS folder.
4.When the import is complete, the name of the folder will be added to the Photo library on your Vision.
For example: If you want to import photos of your family vacation onto your Vision, create a folder called “Summer Vacation” on your PC and place the pho- tos that you want to import into Vision inside. After you copy this folder to your Vision, you will have a slideshow called “Summer Vacation” under the Photo library on your Vision.
Escient Vision VS & VC User’s Guide | 19 |
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