Changing Setup Menu
ŒDolby/DTS Digital Out
-PCM : Converts to PCM(2CH) audio.
-Bitstream : Outputs Dolby Digital or DTS Bitstream via digital output.
Select Bitstream when connecting to a Dolby Digital and DTS Decoder.
´Dynamic Compression
-On : To select dynamic compression.
-Off : To select the standard range.
ˇPCM Down Sampling
-On : Select this when the Amplifier connected to the player is not 96KHz compatible. In this case, the 96KHz signals will be down converted to 48KHZ.
-Off : Select this when the Amplifier connected to the player is 96KHz compatible.
In this case, all signals will be output without any changes.
Even when PCM Down sampling is Off
• Some discs will only output down sampled audio through the digital outputs.
¨Speaker Setup (See pages 62~63)
-If your TV is not compatible with compressed
-If your TV is not compatible with LPCM sampling rates over 48kHz, you should set PCM Down sampling to On.
-SACD audio is only available through the analog outputs. It is not possible to output SACD audio via the HDMI output or Digital Audio Output.
•To exit the setup menu, press the SETUP button.
-Outputs 2 channel digital audio only.
-MULTI channel
•Super Audio CD
-Outputs analog signals only.
-Super Audio CD audio is only available through the analog outputs.
It is not possible to output Super Audio CD audio via the HDMI output or Digital Audio Output.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby” and the
“DTS” and “DTS Digital Out” are trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
Changing Setup Menu