Toshiba MD14F51 owner manual Marking desired scenes, DVD Returning to the scenes, Press Enter

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Advanced playback

Marking desired scenes

The unit stores the points that you want to watch again up to 3 points.

You can resume playback from each scene.





VCDDVD Marking the scenes￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

1 Press MARKER during playback.

2 Select the blank Marker using C or D.

Then press ENTER at the desired scene.

• Repeat this￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿procedure￿￿￿￿￿to￿￿￿￿￿set the other 2 scenes.

3 Press MARKER to remove this display.


Some discs may not work with the marking operation.

The marking is cancelled when you open the disc tray or turn the power off.

Some subtitles recorded around the marker may fail to appear.

DVD Returning to the scenes


1 Press MARKER during playback￿￿or￿￿￿￿stop￿￿￿￿mode. 2 PressC or D to select￿￿￿￿￿￿the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Marker￿￿￿￿￿￿1-3￿￿￿￿.

3 Press ENTER.

Playback starts from the marked scene.

To cancel the Marker

Follow the above steps 1~2, then press CANCEL.


5S00101B [E] (P32-33)


2/23/05, 5:39 PM

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Contents MD14F51 Child Safety Important Safeguards Important Safeguards Power source IntroductionPrecautions UnitOn cleaning discs Structure of disc contentsOn handling discs On storing discsDVD On Video CDsPlayable discs Contents Identification of controls FrontRear Coaxial Digital Audio OUT jackSlow Remote controlSkip Inserting batteries OperationAntenna connections ConnectionsFor subscribers to basic cable TV service Cable TV connectionsConnecting to optional equipment To connect the TV/DVD to a VCRConnecting to an amplifier equipped with a DTS decoder Dolby DigitalDolby Surround Pro Logic Digital Theater Systems DTSMPEG2 sound Channel digital stereoStarting setup Starting setupPress or to select TV or CABLE, then press Enter Press or to select START, then pressSetting the language Setting the languageBasic setup Press MENU, then press or to select optionTV operation TV operationGame Mode HeadphonesChannel UP/DOWN DisplayWhat is Closed CAPTIONING? Not Covered by Your WarrantyClosed captions Closed captionsTo ADD/DELETE channels TV/CABLE selection Automatic memory tuningTo memorize channels To change password Setting the V-ChipTo register password To set the V-Chip OFFTV-Y TV-GAdjusting the picture preference Picture control adjustment Adjusting the picture preferencePicture control adjustment Stereo and Second Audio Program SAP Listening to stereo sound To select desired soundPress Audio Select to select the desired sound Mono + SAP BroadcastingPlaying a disc Vcdcd Basic playbackPlay VCD Playing in fast reverse or fast forward directions Vcddvd Playing frame by frameVcddvd Playing in slow-motion VCD Locating a chapter or trackCancel Zooming/Locating desired sceneVCD Zooming VCD Locating desired sceneTo cancel the Marker Marking desired scenesDVD Returning to the scenes Press Marker to remove this displayVCD A-B Repeat playback Repeat playback/A-B Repeat playbackVCD Repeat playback Random playback Program playback/Random playbackVcdcd Program playback Changing angles/Title selection/DVD menu Changing anglesTitle selection DVD menuAudio Select Changing soundtrack language/ SubtitlesChanging soundtrack language Subtitles VCD Disc status VCD To turn off the PBCJpeg playback CD Jpeg CD playback CD Slide show playbackCustomizing the function settings VCD Setting procedurePress Setup during stop mode Setup or ReturnSetting details OSDOSD Picture Mode DRCJpeg Interval OffTo change the parental level Parental control settingIf you forget the password Load a DVD disc and press Play or OPEN/ Close on the unit Playback will commence if the entered password was correctTemporary disabling of rating level by DVD disc Language code list OthersTroubleshooting Symptoms Possible Solutions PowerSymptoms Possible Solutions DVD Reception disturbances IgnitionSpecifications GeneralAbove Warranties are Subject to the Following Conditions How to Obtain Warranty Service For additional information, visit TACPs websiteJ5S00101B SH 05/04 K