Mozilla, 34
MPEG, 51, 60
Name Slide Show, 47
New Background, 38, 43, 81
New Project, 57
Next Frame, 61
NTSC, 10, 48, 60, 82
Open Project, 57
Options menu, 60
Orient Photos, 45
Outlook Express, 34
PAL, 10, 48, 60, 82 Pan & Zoom, 46, 75, 76 Pan Only, 77
Paste, 58
PCM, 51 Play Entire
Storyboard/Timeline, 61 Play menu, 61 Play/Pause, 61 Playback, 13, 14, 69, 70 playback speed, 73 Player, 9, 18 Preferences, 60 Preview, 52
Preview Animation, 44, 80 preview area, 18, 37, 40,
43, 45, 73 Preview Slide Show, 47 Previous Frame, 61 Print Frame, 19 progressive video, 60
Quick DVD, 51, 57
QuickTime, 34
Recent Projects, 57 Record, 9, 11, 12, 14, 69,
Record Audio, 14, 25, 29, 46 Redo, 24, 29, 58
remote control, 43
Repeat soundtrack to fit, 47 rotate, 45, 75, 77
saturation, 27, 28, 73 Save As, 12
Save As Theme, 38, 44 Save Frame, 19 Save Project, 57 Save Project As, 57 Save To Tape, 34 Scene Detect, 22 scene detection, 13, 22 scroll, 31
Select Audio Files, 47 Send, 34
serial number, 62
Set Capture Duration, 12 Set Chapter, 41, 81
Set Chapters tab, 36, 41, 81 Set the Chapter Button
Thumbnail, 46
Set Thumbnail, 42, 46 Settings, 11, 34 Shadow, 40