Plug & Play Feature
Plug & Play
English Srpski
Deutsch Hrvatski
Français Român™
Nederland Magyar
Español Polski
Italiano êÛÒÒÍËÈ
Svenska Å˙΄‡ÒÍË
Português Türkçe
âe‰tina Dansk Suomi
| Move | Skip |
| |||
| Check antenna input. |
| ||
| |
| œ √ Move | Skip |
| |
| |
| TV |
| Auto Store |
| |
| ||
| Country | œ Belgium | √ |
| |
| Search | : |
| Move | œ √ Adjust | Skip |
| ||||
| TV |
| Time |
| |
| Clock |
| ||
| Sleep Timer |
| : Off |
| ||
| On Timer |
| ||||
| ||||||
| Off Timer |
| ||||
| On Timer Volume | : 10 |
| ||
| On Timer Channel | : P 1 |
| |||
| Move | œ √ Adjust |
| Skip |
| |||
Enjoy your watching.
| TV |
| Setup |
| |||
| Plug & Play | √ |
| ||
| Language | : English |
| |
| Time |
| √ |
| |
| ||||
| Blue Screen | : Off |
| |||
| Melody |
| : 0n |
| |
| Demonstration | √ |
| |||
| |
| Move | œ √ Enter | Return |
| ||||
When the television is initially powered on, three basic customer settings proceed automatically and subsequently: setting the language, channel and clock.
1If the television is in Standby mode, press the POWER () button on the remote control.
Result: The message Plug & Play is displayed. It flickers for a little while and then Language menu is automatically displayed.
2Select the appropriate language by pressing the ▲ or ▼ button. Press the MENU () button to enter the language.
Result: The message Check antenna input. is displayed.
➢If any language is not selected on the Language menu, the Language menu will disappear about 30 seconds later.
3Make sure that the antenna is connected to the TV. Press the œ or √ button.
Result: The Auto Store menu is displayed with Country is selected.
4Select your country by pressing the œ or √ button. To search the channels, select Search by pressing the ▲ or ▼ button, and then press the œ or √ button. Press the MENU () button to stop the search.
Result: The Time menu is displayed with Clock is selected.
➢Refer to “Storing Channels Automatically” on page 14.
5Press the œ or √ button to move to the hour or minute. Set the hour or minute by pressing the ▲ or ▼ button.
➢Refer to “Setting and Displaying the Current Time” on page 31.
6When you have finished, press the MENU () button.
Result: The message Enjoy your watching. is displayed, and then the channel which has been stored will be activated.
7If you want to reset this feature...
1 Press the MENU () button.
2Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select Setup, and then press the œ or √ button.
Result: The Plug & Play is selected.
3Press the œ or √ button again.
Result: This feature starts with the message Plug & Play is displayed.
➢When you wish to exit from the Plug & Play, press the EXIT () button on the remote control.
English - 12