15 Updating the player
KiSS is always keen to update its products to make sure that the user takes advantage of new features or bug fixes. Updates are regularly posted on KiSS’ website in the support section. When the “Firmware warning” option is activated in the “Misc. Settings” of the “Advanced setup”, a message will appear on the top right corner of your screen in the “Advanced Setup” when a new firmware is available.
Getting the firmware
KiSS newest firmwares are available from
Burning the CD on PC
Once downloaded, the firmware file should decompress. Put a blank disc in your PC's drive. KiSS recommends Nero Burning Rom v.6 to burn the firmware CD. Open Nero and select "Disc Image". Choose "All files" and select the firmware file. Choose the lowest speed allowed by your burner, and press "next". The disc starts burning.
Burning the CD on Mac
Once downloaded, the firmware file should decompress and open. Put a blank disc in your Mac's drive. KiSS recommends Roxio Toast to burn the firmware CD. Open Toast and select "Disc Image". Select the firmware file (file end in .iso). Press "Record" and select the lowest burning speed allowed by your burner. The disc starts burning.
Installing the firmware
Turn the player on, and insert the firmware CD. Close the drive and restart the player. The firmware CD will boot. Wait until the KiSS background appears on your TV. Choose between FULL UPDATE (updates everything) and PARTIAL UPDATE (Keeps your default settings). KiSS recommands a full update. The CD will be ejected when the update is finished. Remove it, and restart the player. The player is now updated and will start showing the Quick Setup.
-A complete “How to burn” and “How to install” guide is available from
-PC: Nero Burning Rom is available from: http://www.nero.com
-Mac: Roxio Toast is available from: http://www.roxio.com