EU Eco-Label (EU Eco-Label applied model only)
Products which have model codes that end in XU are intended for the UK market. Samsung has not applied for Ecolabels for products with this specific model code.
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www.ecola bel.eu
Better for the environment...
•High Energy Efficiency
•Reduced C02 emissions
•Designed to facilitate repair and recycling
... better for you.
SAMSUNG Electronics makes an effort to develop
These environmental characteristics are endorsed by the award of the European
Recycling tnformation | /, |
For recycling information for our products, please contact the company corresponding to your region of residence.
For those who reside in other countries, please contact a nearest local Samsung dealer for recycling information for the products to be treated in environmentally acceptable way.
The information of Regional Takeback Schemes can be found at
CIS Only
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