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❖YouTube screen elements
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Country Selection Information: Shows a country that you selected.
Current sorting time: Shows a title list sorted by Time. (Today, Weekly, Monthly, All)
User Information: Only shown when logging in.
Number of page: The page number of selected title / Total pages in current list.
Contents List: Shows a Title, Number of views, Ratings, Runtime and Date.
Navigation Help: Shows available buttons.
Category List: For more detailed information, please refer to below.
Category List
Most Viewed | Shows the most viewed videos. |
Top Rated | Shows the highest rated videos. |
Most Popular | Shows a list of popular videos. |
Most Discussed | Shows the most discussed videos. |
Top Favorites | Shows the videos that are most added to user's Favorites. |
Most Linked | Shows the videos that are most linked to other web sites. |
Most Responded | Shows the videos that are most responded by web users. |
Featured | Shows a list of featured videos. |
Visited History | Shows a history of visited videos. |
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My Favorites | video to My Favorites, you can play the video on the |
| synchronized with the YouTube site. |
Player Library | You can add videos to the Player Library without logging into your YouTube account. |
Search | Select search criteria, and enter a keyword for the video you want to play. |
Country Setup | Shows a list of videos for a desired country. |
Account Management | Enables you to manage YouTube user names and passwords. |