Image input from each camera is output simultaneously to the external device connected to the MONITOR OUT terminal in the back of the product.
2. Monitor
To output screen information to the main monitor, connect the VGA terminal for monitor output in the back of the product and the monitor BNC terminal with a BNC cable. There are 5 monitor output terminals [BNC 3(SPOT 1), RCA 1, VGA 1) and up to 5 auxiliary monitors can be connected.
Monitor outputs are labeled A and B. If one monitor is used, it is connected to MONITOR A. MONITOR B is used to connect the SPOT monitor.
3. Voice connection
This product has a function to store input voice information. Appropriate devices must be connected to store or output voice information.
Voice input
Connect a RCA voice input terminal (like a line level input) to the AUDIO IN terminal in the back of the product.
To setup voice input, set [AUDIO] to ON in the record setup screen in the Setup menu. Refer to ‘5.7 Record setup’ for details.
Four voice inputs are each synchronized 1:1 with CH1~CH4 and voice output is only possible in the single screen mode. Voice is not output even during single mode double speed playback. Voice playback is not possible for live, playback and network multi screen modes.
Voice output
Connect a RCA voice output terminal (like a monitor with a speaker) to the AUDIO OUT terminal in the back and front of the product.