Hitachi 51S715, 57S715 important safety instructions TV Ratings

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TV Ratings

Use TV RATINGS to prevent the viewing of any TV program that you feel may be inappropriate due to its content.


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TV Time Lock

Movie Ratings

TV Ratings

Canadian Ratings (Eng) Canadian Ratings (Frn)

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TV Ratings









Sub Category






































Move SEL






Use the CURSOR PAD or to highlight the category that you want to block. Press select to block the TV RATINGS that you have selected.

Press EXIT to quit the menu or select TV RATINGS to return to the previous menu.

TV Parental Guide Ratings Chart

N/A None.

All children. The themes and elements in this program are specifically designed for a very

TV-Yyoung audience, including children from ages 2-6.

Directed to older children. Themes and ele- ments in this program may include mild physi-

TV-Y7cal or comedic violence, or may frighten chil- dren under the age of 7.

General audience. It contains little or no vio-

TV-Glence, no strong language, and little or no sex- ual dialogue or situations.

Parental guidance suggested. The program

TV-PGmay contain infrequent coarse language, limit- ed violence, some suggestive sexual dialogue and situations.

Parents strongly cautioned. This program

TV-14may contain sophisticated themes, intense sexual situation, more intense violence and intensely suggestive dialogue.

Mature audiences only. This program may

TV-MAcontain mature themes, indecent language, graphic violence, and explicit sexual content.






Fantasy Violence





SSexual Situation

LAdult Language

DSexually Suggestive Dialogue.


1.If you Block TV-14D, you will still permit TV MA programs; If you block TV-14DV, you will automatically block TV-MAV programs, but you will still permit TV- MALS programs. This means that the TV will block violence in TV-14 and higher (TV-MA), but not language and sex.

2.TV program ratings are dependent on the broadcaster. If the program is not rated, the TV will not block it.

3.If a CableCARD is installed, your cable operator may provide an Emergency Alert System (EAS) message in the event of a local or national emergency with the purpose of alerting the general public. When you receive such mes- sages, the Projection Television will immediately tune to an EAS channel as directed by the EAS message. Please be advised that if the EAS channel is blocked using the Locks feature, you will not be able to tune to that channel.



Image 55
Contents Operating Guide for 57S715, 51S715 Safety Points YOU should Know about Your Hitachi Television Important Safety InstructionsPublic Viewing of Copyrighted Material Important Safety InstructionsRead before operating equipment Prevention of Screen BurnFirst Time USE AccessoriesViewing HOW to SET UP Your NEW Hitachi Projection TVAntenna LocationAntenna Connections to Rear Jack Panel HOOK-UP Cables and ConnectorsPhoto Input Front Panel ControlsMagic Focus Front Input Jacks InputFront Panel Jacks and Connectors Monitor OUT Rear Panel JacksRS232C Input Upgrade CardHDMI1 High Definition Multimedia Interface Input Optical Out Digital AudioCableCARD Slot Rear Panel JacksDVD Player Rear Panel ConnectionsTips on Rear Panel Connections Rear Panel of Television Connecting External Audio SourcesConnecting a Monaural Audio Source to INPUT1~INPUT5 Connecting External Video SourcesBefore Operating External Video Source Connecting a Stereo Source to INPUT1~INPUT5 Connecting AN S-VIDEO Source to Input 3, 4 HDMI-HDMI Video Connecting a Component Source to Input 1 or 2 Y-PBPRRemote Control Remote ControlHOW to USE the Remote to Control Your TV Standard Aspect buttonGuide button DAY/NIGHT buttonPICTURE-IN-PICTURE button Menu buttonPhoto Input Ant B Ant a Inputs buttonJump HOW to USE the Remote to Control Your TVRotate SlideshowInfo button When an S-VIDEOVideo Channel CH WHEEL/CHANNEL Selector buttons Volume VOL WHEEL, Mute buttonDash button PICTURE-IN-PICTURE PIP POP Mode PICTURE-IN-PICTUREPIP button Split Mode PICTURE-IN-PICTURE PIP Mode PICTURE-IN-PICTURESurf Mode PICTURE-IN-PICTURE Split Freeze Main FreezeStrobe Freeze Exclusive TV buttons Using the Remote to Control Cable BOX FunctionsOperating the precoded function for your cable box Precoded Cable BOX buttonsPRE-CODED SET-TOP-BOX/SATELLITE Receiver buttons Operating the precoded function for your DVD player Using the Remote to Control DVD FunctionsPrecoded DVD Buttons Precoded VCR/PVR Buttons Using Your Remote To Control VCR/PVR FunctionsOperating the precoded function for your Audio component Using Your Remote To Control Additional Audio EquipmentPrecoded Audio Buttons Input Access DVD Brand Personal Video Recorder ON-SCREEN Display ON-SCREEN Display OSDVideo Audio Aspect Channel Video Picture ModeON-SCREEN Color Management Reset Video SettingsAuto Color Color DecodingBalance AudioTreble BassAudio Source Internal Speakers Auto Noise Cancel Perfect Volume LoudnessAudio Language Digital OutputAuto Aspect AspectVertical Position Set The Antenna Channel ManagerAuto Channel Scan Channel List Signal MeterLocks Movie Ratings TV Ratings Canadian Ratings Eng Canadian Ratings English ChartFrn Canadian RatingsSet The Clock TimersSet Day/Night Timer Set Sleep TimerPlease Set Clock First Set Event TimerSetup Magic Focus Tune Up Auto Digital Convergence AdjustmentTo Change the Color of Adjustment Point To Move Adjustment PointTo Adjust the Convergence Setup Menu Preference Menu PreferenceSet The Inputs Menu BackgroundVideo2 Video 2 Auto LinkSet Black Side Panel Set Virtual HDSet Closed Caption Caption ModeChannel About Your TV Set Monitor OutCableCARD Info Set AV Control UpgradesDo not Care of Your Hitachi Television Your Remote ControlIgnition Noise Reception ProblemsUseful Info SymptomsInputs Dimensions 51S715Outputs Home Electronics Division HitachiDigital Media Division Audio Language IndexEND User License Agreement for Hitachi DTV Software END User License Agreement for Hitachi DTV Software Page Page Page QR60601