Philips DVP1033/58  3OD, 6HOHFWWKH79V\VWHP, Change system menu language, Play a disc

Page 7


Pressto turn on this product.

Turn on the TV and switch to the correct video-in channel. (Refer to the TV user manual on how to select the correct channel.)


This DVD player is compatible with both NTSC and PAL. For the playback of a DVD disc on this DVD player, the color systems of theTV set and DVD player should match.

Press SETUP.

Select >9,'(26(783@ > >796<67(0@, and then press .


>176&@ For TV with NTSC color system.

>3$/@ For TV with PAL color system.

>$872@ For TV with multiple color systems.

Press SETUP to exit.

Change system menu language

Press SETUP.

Press / keys to select >/$1*8$*( 6(783@WKHQSUHVVɾ

3 3UHVVɾɼNH\VWRKLJKOLJKWRQHRIWKH options below, then press .

‡ >26'/$1*8$*(@ Select this to change the language of this DVD player screen display menu.

‡ >0(18/$1*@ Select this to change the language of disc menu.


Press SETUP to exit the menu.


‡Depending on the DVD or VIDEO CD, some operations may be different or restricted.

‡If the >,19$/,'.(<@ appears on the TV screen when a button is pressed, it means the function is not available on the current disc or at the current time.




Play a disc


‡Do not place any objects other than discs into the disc compartment.

‡Do not touch the disc optical lens inside the disc compartment.

Press to open the disc compartment.

Insert a disc with its label facing up.

3Press to close the disc compartment and start disc play.

‡ To view disc play, turn on the TV to the correct viewing channel for this product.

‡ To stop disc play, press .



‡If the password entry menu is displayed, enter the password before you can play the locked or restricted disc


‡If you pause or stop a disc, the screen saver appears after 5 minutes of inactivity. To deactivate the screen saver, press MENU.

‡After you pause or stop a disc and no button is pressed within 15 minutes, this product automatically switches to standby.



‡Some operations may not work with some discs. See the information accompanying the disc for details.


Play a title.

Use the remote control to control the play.


Start, pause or resume disc play.

Stop disc play.


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Image 7
Contents XOODQ×PN×ODYXX ƆƣƷƥƩƱƟƤƩƯƷƱƞƳƧƲ\QHUJHVLQHX\JXQGXU Zmian technicznychDVHUVSHFLÀFDWLRQ 6SHFLÀNDFHODVHUXContents 7UDGHPDUNQRWLFH  ,PSRUWDQWLVSRVDORI\RXUROGSURGXFWDQG Edwwhulhv Copyright notice2YHUYLHZRIWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO  RXU9SOD\HURegion codes 2YHUYLHZRIWKHPDLQXQLW *HWVWDUWHG Connect powerPrepare the remote control ConnectPlay a disc  3OD\6HOHFWWKH79V\VWHP Change system menu languagePlay music Play photo Play mixed contentsPlay musical slideshow System setup $GMXVWVHWWLQJV Control the play$7,1*@ Language setup Enter the new 4-digit password  Press to select 3$6625@, and then press7RSHUIRUPWKHGHDFWLFDWLRQ $&7,9$7,21@ Deactivate the authorization to current user» The authorization to current user is deactivated $XGLRVHWXSCare 9LGHRVHWXS6SHFLÀFDWLRQV Sound  7URXEOHVKRRWLQJMain unit Picture