Philips DVP1033/58 user manual Language setup,  Press to select 3$6625@, and then press, $7,1*@

Page 11

Press to select >3$66:25'@, and then press .

Enter your existing 4-digit password with the 1XPHULF.H\SDG on the remote control. ‡ If you forget the current password, you can enter the default password, and then

press OKWRFRQÀUP7KHQ\RXFDQ enter the new password.


Enter the new 4-digit password.



‡The default password (0000) remains valid even if a new password is set.


With the Parental Control function, you can restrict access to DVDs that are not suitable for your children. The rating levels are country dependent. To view DVDs that are rated higher than the set level, you should enter a 4-digit password.

‡ >.,'6$)(@@ - Suitable for children. ‡ >*@ - Recommended as acceptable for

viewers of all ages.

‡ >3*@ - Parental guidance suggested. ‡ >3*@ - Parental guidance suggested.

‡ >3*5@ - Parental Guidance; recommended that parents restrict children under 17 from viewing.

‡ >5@ - Restricted; recommended only when supervised by a parent or adult guardian.

‡ >1&@ - Not recommended for children under age 17.

‡ >$'8/7@ - Viewed only by adults due to graphic sexual scenes, violence, or language.


‡This function is only available for DVDs that are coded with rating levels.


Enable or diable the function of resuming the play from the point where it is last stopped.

‡ >21@ - Enable this function. ‡ >2))@ - Disable this function.


Reset all the settings of this product to factory default, except for >5$7,1*@ and >3$66:25'@ settings.

‡ >5(6725(@ - Select it and press OK.

Language setup


Press SETUP.

 Press to navigate to the >/$1*8$*( 6(783@ page, and then press .

3 Press to select an option, and them press


 Press to select a setting, and then press OKWRFRQÀUP

‡ To exit the menu, press SETUP.


Select an on-screen menu language.


Select a language for disc menu.


Select a character set that supports the DivX subtitle.

‡ >&(175$/(8@ - Polish, Czech, Slovak, Albanian, Hungarian, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian (Latin script), Romanian

‡ >&<5,//,&@ - Belarusian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian

‡ >:(67(51(8@ - Albanian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Kurdish (Latin), Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish

‡ >*5((.@ - Greek

‡ >785.,6+@ - Turkish



‘Movie.sub’ or ‘’.


Display the DivX® registration code and deactivation code (if any).

‡ >5(*,67(5&2'(@ - A 10-character registration code generated randomly.

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Contents XOODQ×PN×ODYXX ƆƣƷƥƩƱƟƤƩƯƷƱƞƳƧƲ\QHUJHVLQHX\JXQGXU Zmian technicznychDVHUVSHFLÀFDWLRQ 6SHFLÀNDFHODVHUXContents 7UDGHPDUNQRWLFH  ,PSRUWDQWLVSRVDORI\RXUROGSURGXFWDQG Edwwhulhv Copyright notice2YHUYLHZRIWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO  RXU9SOD\HURegion codes 2YHUYLHZRIWKHPDLQXQLW *HWVWDUWHG Connect powerPrepare the remote control ConnectPlay a disc  3OD\6HOHFWWKH79V\VWHP Change system menu languagePlay music Play photo Play mixed contentsPlay musical slideshow System setup $GMXVWVHWWLQJV Control the play$7,1*@ Language setup Enter the new 4-digit password  Press to select 3$6625@, and then press7RSHUIRUPWKHGHDFWLFDWLRQ $&7,9$7,21@ Deactivate the authorization to current user» The authorization to current user is deactivated $XGLRVHWXS6SHFLÀFDWLRQV 9LGHRVHWXSCare Sound  7URXEOHVKRRWLQJMain unit Picture