No audio output from the loudspeakers of the audio device (stereo system/amplifi er/receiver).
•Ensure that the audio cables are connected to the audio input of the audio device.
•Turn on the audio device to its correct audio input source.
No sound during DivX video playback
•The audio codec may not be supported by this product.
The disc cannot be played.
•The disc is badly scratched, deformed, or dirty. Replace or clean the disc.
•Use the correct disc format or fi le format.
DivX video fi les cannot be played.
•Ensure that the DivX video fi le is complete.
•Ensure that the fi le name extension is correct.
•Due to Digital Rights issue, the DRM- protected video fi les cannot be played through an analog video connection (e.g. composite, component and scart). Transfer the video content onto the Disc Media and play these
fi les.
The aspect ratio of the screen is not aligned with the TV display setting.
•The aspect ratio is fi xed on the disc.
DivX subtitles are not displayed correctly.
•Ensure that the subtitle fi le name is the same as the movie fi le name.
•Select the correct character set.
•Press SETUP.
•Select [Preferences] > [DivX Subtitle] in the menu.
•Select the character set that supports the subtitle.
10 Glossary
Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio refers to the length to height ratio of TV screens. The ratio of a standard TV is 4:3, while the ratio of a
The letter box allows you to enjoy a picture with a wider perspective on a standard 4:3 screen.
This DivX Certifi ed ® device must be registered in order to play DivX
A very common digital still picture format. A still- picture data compression system proposed by the Joint Photographic Expert Group, which features small decrease in image quality in spite of its high compression ratio. Files are recognized by their fi le extension ‘.jpg’ or ‘.jpeg.’
A fi le format with a sound data compression system. MP3 is the abbreviation of Motion Picture Experts Group 1 (or
Playback Control. A system where you navigate through a Video CD/Super VCD with
Progressive scan
The progressive scan displays twice the number of frames per second than in an ordinary TV system. It offers higher picture resolution and quality.
EN 19