Philips 34PT9420/69R manual =s= !#, Pj !#$%,  !#$YUV Video Y  !#$%  !#$%QUMé NMUMá=O=cÜ

Page 51



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1905.3.25, 11:17 PM

Image 51
Contents Cover 2163.3 16x24 07-01-2003 1016 Pagina Cover 2163.3 16x24 07-01-2003 1016 Pagina Contents Installation PreparationKeypad on top of the TV CH Channel selection Use of the remote controlUse of the remote control ¬ Interrupt the sound or Restore itTime display The time is displayed on the screen Surround modeSmart surf Picture formatActive control Smart KeysSmart Sound Smart PictureMenu system Use of the menus and the menu systemRemote Control Info Select the menu languageMenu Info Automatic installation Manual installationStore TV channels Give name Reshuffle the channel listSelect Favourite TV channels Install TV Setup Test tone and Volume controlsSpeakers Surround Speakers Installation11Centre Mode GeneralUse of the menus Demo menuSource Picture menu Digital options with PAL signalsDigital options with Ntsc signals TV menuSound menu Child lock Features menuChannel list Select subtitlesDual screen/PIP Dual screenSwitch Teletext on and off Multipip & TeletextMultipip Teletext Teletext menu If your recorder has an S-VHS video jack Connect Peripheral equipmentRecorder Recorder and other A/V peripheralsDVD player or other accessory digital source equipment Satellite ReceiverSatellite Receiver with a recorder AV3/AV4 Digital High Definition input Side connectionsHeadphone Dolby Pro Logic Surround amplifier Connect external speakers/amplifierRecord with your recorder RecordTo select connected equipment VCR Control keysBefore Calling Service Before calling serviceTips & Glossary TipsGlossary Specifications SpecificationsInternational guarantee conditions 315 2163.1 16X24 22-10-2002 1315 Pagina  !#  !# !  !#$%&*+, !#  !#$%&=R= !# #$ !#$%&*+ GLπ†  !#=3÷pìêÑ = = !# ! == ======  !#=5Norm  !#$% !#$  !#$%&*+  !#m !#$%  !#  !#$% !#$%&*+  !#$% = !#$%&*NO=P ! #$%  !# m  !#$%  ! !# =11 !  !  !  !#$% 12  ! #  !#$=NTSC  !#$  !=1314   !#$%  !=15 !#$%  ! ! #!$%&*+ ! #$=17  !#$  !#=19  !#=Ls= 20  !#=s= !# PJ !#$% !#$YUV Video Y  !#$%  !#$%QUMé NMUMá=O=cÜ SPLsQ= !#$% 22  !# !#$%&*+ #====================  !#=23`o=  !#$#=jlkfqlo=lrq=  !#$%&=25  !#$%26  !#$ =27 Cover 2163.1 16x24 25-06-2002 1429 Pagina Cover 2163.3 16x24 07-01-2003 1016 Pagina 3104 315

34PT9420/69R specifications

The Philips 34PT9420/69R is a cutting-edge flat panel display that epitomizes advanced display technologies, catering to both professional and entertainment needs. Renowned for its impressive size and high-definition capabilities, this model is built to deliver an immersive visual experience, making it an optimal choice for a variety of applications, from digital signage to personal gaming setups.

One of the standout features of the Philips 34PT9420/69R is its ultra-wide 34-inch screen, which provides users with an expansive display area. With a 21:9 aspect ratio, this monitor captures a wider field of view, which is especially beneficial for multitasking and gaming. Users can enjoy seamless multitasking by utilizing the screen real estate for side-by-side applications without any hindrance.

The 34PT9420/69R boasts a stunning Ultra-Wide QHD resolution of 3440 x 1440 pixels, ensuring that images are rendered in sharp detail. This high pixel density brings out vibrant colors and deep contrasts, enhancing the overall viewing experience. Philips' advanced MultiView technology allows users to connect multiple sources simultaneously, enabling users to monitor different content streams without the need for additional displays.

Incorporating advanced technologies, the Philips 34PT9420/69R includes HDR support, which plays a crucial role in enhancing contrast and color accuracy. This feature allows users to enjoy content exactly as intended by creators, with brighter highlights and richer shadows. Furthermore, the monitor's Adaptive Sync technology ensures smoother gameplay with reduced tearing, as it synchronizes the monitor’s refresh rates with that of the graphics card.

Design-wise, the Philips 34PT9420/69R is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. It features a sleek bezel and a robust base that enhances stability. Connectivity options are plentiful, with multiple HDMI and DisplayPort inputs, making it easy to connect various devices, from gaming consoles to PCs.

In summary, the Philips 34PT9420/69R stands out with its large ultra-wide display, high resolution, and advanced features aimed at delivering an exceptional viewing experience. Whether for professional use or leisure activities, this monitor is engineered to meet the demands of modern users, providing both versatility and quality in one comprehensive package.