Learning Resources LER 7584 manual How Many Trains?, About Snap Cubes

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How Many Trains?

Give each group Snap Cubes® in two colors. Begin by snapping one of each color Snap Cube together. Explain that this is a two-car train because it is made with just two Snap Cubes. Ask students to find other two-car trains. Students should find that they can make four different two-car trains with their Snap Cubes. For example, red-red, green-green, red-green, and green-red. Point out that in this activity, two trains having the same color cubes, but arranged in a different order, such as the red-green trains, count as two different trains. Have students trace the cubes to keep track of all of the trains they are making.

Now, have students find all the three-car trains (trains that are three cubes long) that can be made using no more than two colors. Students will need to keep a record as they work in order to have enough cubes to complete this activity.

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LER 7584


About Snap Cubes®

Snap Cubes are 34-inch interlocking cubes that connect on every side. They come in sets of 100, 500, and 1000, each containing an equal amount of 10 different colors. A set of 100 cubes is sufficient for four to six students.

Activities with Snap Cubes are suitable for children in all grade levels. They help students learn about whole numbers (counting, more and less, place value, addition, subtraction), measurement, probability, graphing, and geometry. They are ideal for exploring rhythmic patterns as well as growth patterns, and for doing spatial reasoning tasks.

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Contents About Snap Cubes How Many Trains?Race for a Yard Free ExplorationCubes That Grow Further Investigation