Learning Resources LPK5556-GUD manual Math Activity Set Includes, Activities Suggested

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.winner the is row empty an get to player first The .muffins removing and die the rolling turns Take .muffins the remove to tweezers the Use .turn your on remove to muffins many how see to die number the Roll .row your from muffins your all empty to player first the be to is game the of object The .row bottom the on is 2 player and pan muffin the of row top the on is 1 Player .cups muffin the of each in color) (any muffins 10 Place Play Partner

.pan the of out take to muffins of color what and many how determine to die color the and die number the use time this but game, same the play variation, For .empty is pan muffin the until Play .tweezers the with muffins the Remove .pan the of out take to muffins many how determine to die number the Use .pan muffin the in counters muffin mini the all Place Games Gourmet

.problems subtraction and addition for activity this Repeat altogether?” have I do muffins many How .muffins yellow two me gave mom my then and muffins blue two had “I example, For .problem story the out” “act to counters muffin the use them have and children to problem story a Tell .table the on pile a in counters muffin mini the all Place Problems Story Solving

.colors different and numbers different using activity this Repeat .them count and pan, muffin the of out them pick muffins, blue six find then to child a Ask ”.“blue as such word color a say also and “six,” as such number a say or cube number the Roll .pan muffin the in counters muffin mini the all Place Colors Your Count

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.different is it why you tell and different is that one the


find children have and row a in muffins four the out Set .color different a


is that muffin mini more one find Then, .color same the are that muffins



three out Pick .pan muffin the into counters muffin mini the all Place



Belong Doesn’t Just Muffins These of One



.muffins color different using


activity this Repeat .found was match a sure make to other each to next



muffins the up Line .hands their or tweezers the with muffin new the


remove can Children .out picked was that muffin the for match perfect



a is that muffin a find to children Ask .pan muffin the of out muffins



the of one Pick .pan muffin the into counters muffin mini the all Place



Me Match



.cups muffin correct the into counters



muffin the sort and (cups) sections different the into look children



Have .cups pan-muffin the of bottom the in discs sorting the Place



Matching and Sorting



Activities: Suggested



more! learn to website our Visit .Grade Second and First in Math



for Standards State Core Common meets also Up Match Muffin Mini



3.B.MD.K Data: and Measurement


4.A.OA.K 2,.A.OA.K 1,.A.OA.K Thinking: Algebraic and Operations


7.C.CC.K 6,.C.CC.K 5,.B.CC.K 4,.B.CC.K Cardinality: and Counting


Kindergarten: in Math for Standards



State Core Common following the target guide this in activities The



Alignment: CCSS





LER 5556



Ages • Años










Ans • Jahre









mini muffin match up

A Math Activity Set


•  Sorting muffin pan

•  60 Mini muffin counters (6 colors, 10 of each color) •  2 Foam dice (1 color, 1 number)

•  Squeezy Tweezers

•  12 Double-sided sorting discs

Pick a muffin, sort it out, so many ways to play—get fine-motor skills the mini muffin way! Oven-fresh Mini Muffin Match Up presents a decadent assortment of matching, counting and color activities with baking-themed pieces that will stir up an appetite for learning in children everywhere. Sort muffins in the pan, remove them with the Squeezy Tweezers, mix and match them in a row…there’s a gourmet lesson in every batch of play!

Note: Before beginning the activities, give children plenty of free exploration time to play with the muffin pan, mini muffin counters, and Squeezy Tweezers to ensure familiarity with the pieces.

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Contents Activities Suggested Math Activity Set IncludesAlignment Ccss Actividades sugeridas IncluyeContient Activités suggérées