8Changing Harness Strap Slots:
Harness straps must be through slots at or just below shoulders.
A Loosen harness straps:
•Pull and hold upper belt tab.
•Pull harness straps out.
BRemove both harness strap loops from Splitter Plate on back of car seat.
CPress Tab to release metal Rod and lift Rod out of Pockets.
DChange harness strap slots.
Make sure harness straps are threaded through matching slot of seat pad and car seat.
It may be necessary to remove seat pad from top of car seat.
•Lift harness straps up over car seat top.
•Slide metal Rod into side Pockets and press Rod down below Tab.
IMPORTANT: Harness straps MUST be behind metal Rod.
•Lower the harness straps down over metal Rod as shown (fig. e).
•Put right strap loop on Splitter Plate first, then attach left strap loop.
•Make sure both strap loops are securely attached within Splitter Plate hook.
•Make sure straps are NOT twisted.