This amplifi er is fi tted with a treble control which offers
To alter this treble control press the function button (9) twice to change the LCD display from bass control to treble control.
Attention: Please note that due to the level of boost available on this treble control, please be aware that prolonged use of this amplifi er at high levels with an increased treble content may cause permanent damage to your speakers. Please operate this system within the safe working limits of any ancillary equipment that is connected to it.
The last setting for the treble will be displayed.
To change the treble setting turn the rotary control (10) either clockwise or anticlockwise to increase or decrease the treble content.
There are 7 steps around the centre position for +/- attenuation, adjust this control for your desired listening level.
Note: following this operation, the LCD display will return to indicate the default volume setting if no operation occurs within 5 seconds. To reactivate treble control it will be necessary to press the function button again twice.
This amplifi er is fi tted with a balance control which allows the volume of the left and right signals of the stereo image to be altered in order to compensate for an
To activate the balance control press the function key (9) three times to change the LCD display to the balance control.
The last setting for the balance will be displayed.
To change this balance setting turn the rotary control (10) either clockwise or anticlockwise to decrease the signal levels in either the right or left speakers. There are 32 steps around the centre position for attenuation, adjust this control for your desired listening balance.
Note: following this operation, the LCD display will return to indicate the default volume setting if no operation occurs within 5 seconds. To reactivate balance control it will be necessary to press the function button again three times.