FREQUENCY: This control determines the frequency range that the ACTIVE MID control will cut or boost. As mentioned earlier, it covers a broad range that sweeps from the low midrange region to the lower treble frequencies. The control sweeps from 200Hz on the low side to 2Khz on the high side - with 340 Hz riding the center, straight up at 12:00 on the control. This sweepable band gives you pinpoint shaping power over the broad and usable midrange
spectrum and also allows some overlap at the extreme ends of the control with the adjacent broad band BASS and TREBLE controls.
| May we again remind you to use care and taste when dialing with this powerful control. Some fre- |
| |
quencies stick out or cut more than others, making it possible to add unwanted, unpleasant and even | ||
| dangerous, peaks or blow unbalanced holes in your sound. We suggest dialing in your sound with |
| the standard tone control array first and then using the ACTIVE MID circuit to |
| enhance your sound. |
| |
TREBLE: The TREBLE is also an active shelving style control like that found in the BASS and again, it was chosen for its ability to radically shape the upper harmonic region. Like the BASS, it also has a center Q point with harmonics above and below responding in harmony as it is dialed for either cut or boost.
As the control is increased past 12:00, it produces a 6db per octave rise in gain starting at 723Hz until +20db is reached. From this point, gain remains constant at +20db for all frequencies above 723Hz all the way out to 20Khz. This scheme lends a sweetness of sound while retaining all the necessary cut and focus associated with a traditional passive TREBLE control. As this control is dialed below 12:00, it begins a 6db per octave cut from 3.2Khz to the shelving point at 723Hz, where it continues to attenuate all frequencies above 723Hz until - 20db is reached where cut gain remains constant until the control reaches 7:30 (off). The ability to cut these frequencies more radically makes it possible to obtain incredibly rich and warm
This active shelving TREBLE control completes the rotary tone control string to create a powerful and extremely accurate network to use as your fundamental platform. It’s no wonder many first time BIG BLOCK 750 players make the comment that just these controls combined with the GAIN create the best tone they have ever heard!
NOTE: As with the BASS control, may we remind you that a control of this type with its increased power should be used with finesse. In the TREBLE’S case, almost more so, because higher frequencies seem louder to the ear and are generally more painful when set to extremes. Another reason to use care is that high frequencies tend to increase the ambient noise floor when set too high. This is then exacerbated if the 5 Band Parametric is combined for added top end boost. Dial with care and music in mind.
MASTER: The MASTER control is the feed to the Simul State power section and determines the overall playing volume of the BIG BLOCK 750. An optimum setting will be determined by the setting of the GAIN control as well as the entire tone control network. All these controls affect the signal strength at the end of the preamp and can make the MASTER
control very sensitive.
NOTE: Remember to use with caution as the MASTER is the gas pedal for the massive power available. We suggest a zero setting at each power up to avoid damage to speakers and ears.