GUARD MODE: Touch and hold his nose sensor for 3 or more seconds, then remove your fingers and SCREATURE™ will rear up and stand guard. If he senses any motion near him, he will roar and spit water. Touch either his petting or nose sensor to
SLEEP: After 2 minutes of inactivity, SCREATURE™ will fall asleep. He can be awakened by pressing his nose or petting sensor, or by turning him OFF and then ON again.
TRAINING TIP: Since SCREATURE™ is such a lively dinosaur, he can get a bit jumpy after being picked up. While holding him, make sure to keep him still or he may snap at you. When moving him, cover his light sensor to prevent him from snapping.
Check the batteries if SCREATURE™ is not functioning properly. If the batteries are OK and he’s still not working, try switching him OFF, pausing 5 seconds and turning him back ON.