What is included with
Functions of Buttons
1:10 Nascar® RC
SwitchLEFT SWITCHup to ONdriveTRANSMITTERthe vehicle: forward. Switch down to drive the vehicle in reverse.
RIGHT SwitchSWITCHleftONtoTRANSMITsteer the- vehicleTER: left. Switch right to steer the vehicle.
The trimTRIM switchSWITCHis CONTROLlocated on: the underside of your vehicle. This is used to align the wheels for
consistent straight line driving. Switch left or right to align the wheels.
Switch to turn
theON/OFFtransmitterSWITCHon: or off.
SwitchON/OFF/SPEAKERto turnOFFdriveSWITCHthe: vehicle withON sound. Switch
to turn the vehicle off. SwitchOFF to drive the vehi-
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