The DVR5100 can be used to activate relay outputs manually, connecting DVR5100 devices to other external devices. A relay can be activated for a predetermined period of time (the dwell time) or can remain latched until there is another signal to release the relay.
To execute a relay:
1.From the Main menu, select Actions. The Actions menu appears.
2.From the Actions menu, click Relays [or navigate to Relays, and then press Enter/Shift ]. The Execute Relays dialog box appears.
Figure 52. Activate Relay Dialog Box
3.Click a relay from the list. [Or, turn the Jog (inner dial)
to select a relay from the list.]
4.Click Activate. [Or, navigate to Activate, and then press Enter/Shift
5.To cancel the selection without activating the relay, click the Cancel button [or press the red function button ]. The Execute Relays dialog box appears. If there are no relays available on your system, the following message appears.
Figure 53. No Relays Dialog Box
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