Focusing Your Camera
Center AF (Auto Focus)
Most digital cameras use contrast detection to auto focus (AF). Usually, the focus point is a small rectangle in the middle of the viewfinder frame (Center AF), though many digital cameras now also offer additional AF points
Center AF
If you look in the LCD monitor of your digital camera, there will usually be a rectangle at the center of the screen, commonly called the AF Frame. When your digital camera is set to Center AF mode, this rectangle in the middle of the screen is your AF point.
An Example
If your default AF mode is Multi- Point AF and some of your shots are sometimes out of focus, it may be that
Here is an example of how
Even though the green leaf is in the center of the frame, Multi- Point AF has chosen to focus on the more contrasty background around it instead.
The result is that the ground of fallen leaves come out in focus, while my main subject is out of focus.
I took a couple more shots with the same result before I realized what the problem was. I immediately went into the camera's menu to switch AF mode from
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