synonymous with black and white.
Highlights The brightest parts of a photo.
Histogram A graphic representation of the range of tones from dark to light in a photo. Some digital cameras include a histogram feature that enables a precise check on the exposure of the photo.
Image browser An application that enables you to view digital photos. Some browsers also allow you to rename files, convert photos from one file format to another, add text descriptions, and more.
Image editor A computer program that enables you to adjust a photo to improve its appearance. With image editing software, you can darken or lighten a photo, rotate it, adjust its contrast, crop out extraneous detail, remove
Image resolution The number of pixels in a digital photo is commonly referred to as its image resolution.
Inkjet | A printer that places ink on the paper by spraying droplets |
| through tiny nozzles. |
ISO speed | A rating of a film's sensitivity to light. Though digital cameras |
| don't use film, they have adopted the same rating system for |
| describing the sensitivity of the camera's imaging sensor. Digital |
| cameras often include a control for adjusting the ISO speed; some |
| will adjust it automatically depending on the lighting conditions, |
| adjusting it upwards as the available light dims. Generally, as ISO |
| speed climbs, image quality drops. |
JPEG | A standard for compressing image data developed by the Joint |
| Photographic Experts Group, hence the name JPEG. Strictly |
| speaking, JPEG is not a file format, it's a compression method that |
| is used within a file format, such as the |
| common to digital cameras. It is referred to as a lossy format, |
| which means some quality is lost in achieving JPEG's high |
| compression rates. Usually, if a |
| JPEG setting is chosen on a digital camera, the loss of quality is |
| not detectable to the eye. |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display: a |
| and/or rear of a digital camera to display settings or the photo |
| itself. |
Media | Material that information is written to and stored on. Digital |
| photography storage media includes CompactFlash cards and CDs. |
Megabyte (MB) A measurement of data storage equal to 1024 kilobytes (KB).
Megapixel Equal to one million pixels.
Memory Stick® A memory card slightly smaller than a single stick of chewing gum. Like CompactFlash and SmartMedia, it is
NiMH | Nickel |
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