FujiFilm J210 Caring for the Camera, Storage and Use, Condensation, Cleaning, Traveling

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Caring for the Camera

To ensure continued enjoyment of the product, observe the following arecautions.

Storage and Use

If the camera will not be used for an extended pe- riod, remove the battery and memory card. Do not store or use the camera in locations that are:

exposed to rain, steam, or smoke

very humid or extremely dusty

exposed to direct sunlight orvery high tempera- tures, such as in a closed vehicle on a sunny day

extremely cold

subject to strong vibration

exposed to strong magnetic fields, such as near a broadcasting antenna, power line, radar emit- ter, motor, transformer, or magnet

in contact with volatile chemicals such as pesti- cides

next to rubber or vinyl products


Exposure to water and sand can also damage the camera and its internal circuitry and mechanisms. When using the camera at the beach or seaside, avoid exposing the camera to water or sand. Do not place the camera on a wet surface.

• Condensation

Sudden increases in temperature, such as occur when entering a heated building on a cold day, can cause condensation inside the camera. If this occurs, turn the camera off and wait an hour be- fore turning it on again. If condensation forms on the memory card, remove the card and wait for the condensation to dissipate.


Use a blower to remove dust from the lens and monitor, then gently wipe with a soft, dry cloth. Any remaining stains can be removed by wiping gently with a piece of FUJIFILM lens-cleaning pa- per to which a small amount of lens-cleaning fluid has been applied. Care should be taken to avoid scratching the lens or monitor. The camera body can be cleaned with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use alcohol, thinner, or other volatile chemicals.


Keep the camera in your carry-on baggage. Checked baggage may suffer violent shocks that could damage the camera.


Image 88
Contents DiGiTAL Camera BeforeYouBegin FirstSteps BasicPhotographyandPlaybackCamera Setup Question Camera Q & aKeyphrase SeepageViewing Pictures Question Keyphrase Seepage Question Keyphrase SeepageSharing Pictures Question Keyphrase Contents Troubleshooting Connections Viewing Pictures Printing ViaTechnical AppendixAbout This Manual CTURESTABILIZAT!ONDUALISMODEpg.16FinePJ2S0FinePix J210 Monitor pg.96Supplied Accessories Parts of the Camera Move cursordownPlayback MonitorJ12/31/2050 4000 AM RED-EYEREDUCTIONReduce red SRlii Scenerecognitiona pointEablebattery Charging the BatteryTypeATypeB Page Inserting the Battery Removingthe Battery Tip Usingan ACAdapterCard will be used for recording and playback Inserting a Memory CardMemoryCards Inserting aMemoryCard RemovingMemoryCardsPage Shooting Mode TipSwitchingtoShootingModeTipAutoPowerOff Tip Switchingto PlaybackModeBasic Setup Press MENU/OKIndicatorDescription Taking Pictures in I1 Auto ModeTipIntelligentFaceDetection Seleci-i-ilozoom our SelecEelozoom 7bkingPktursin Auto//odHoldingtheCamera Tip FocusLockIndicators Disp/yed Hidden Iii FrammgGuideline DUALISMODEFinePixJ250onlyShoot Halfway focusframe Nq h ure,in Au o A4odBcuses on subjec If the camera isable to focus,it will beep twiceIndicatorlamp IndicatorLamp7hkingP£t csin Auto i/odt Ndicor/ampTipThePlaybackMenu Viewing PicturesDeleting Pictures Intelligent Face Detection and Red-Eye Removal Option DescriptionGreenborder Diiq*nF c ,D*t+*ion nd R*d/* i¢*rowlShoot Press the shutter button all the way down to shoot Ntdfiq nt F eDttion nd Rcd /yRcmowiFocus Press hdfwoyAstheback0round Fouso kMacro Mode Close-ups Using the Flash Mode DescriptionRed-EyeRemoval DP Using the Self-Timer Press the shutter button halfway to focusIntelligentFaceDetection Mode Type of subject or scene detected Shooting ModeSFJ!itiSCENE Recognition Digital Zoom Igid zoom Optics/zoom BmbinedzoomHighlight @ Shooting Mode Press the selector up or down to ,A,,AdAScene SportNight NIGHTTRIPODblurScene Description PartyCapture indoor OffmuseumChoosingaDisplayFormat Playback OptionsDisplayed Hidden PressDISP/BACKto exit zoom Ayb ck Op oneAybck Op one Deleting Pictures Pressthe selector up or down toHighlight Frame or ALL Frames TipsDeletingPicturesALL FRAMESDeletingAlllmages FRAMEDeletingSelectedlmagesRecording Movies Pressthe shutter button all the way down to start recordingRecopdnq ov es Progressbar Progress is shown in the monitor during play- backTipViewingMoviesona Computer Viewing Pictures on TV Printing Pictures via USB Connecting the Camera Printing Selected PicturesPictBridge Printing the Dpof Print Order TipPrintingtheDateof RecordingSconnectngthe Camera Creating a Dpof Print Order II with DATEI/WITHOUT DateRoPoF,00001 Toolnumberofprin5 Number of copies Reset ALL Installing FinePixViewer Viewing Pictures on a ComputerIf the InstallerDoesNotStartAutomatically Wnq Piturson dompu r CPU Installing FinePixViewer- MacintoshFreedisk space Video Other From Connecting the Camera MCautions Disconnectingthe CameraUpdatingFinePixViewer UninstaiiingFinePixVieweii Using the Shooting Menu Shooting MenuSelector up or Down to f,,A Desired optionMenuitem Shootingmode FacedetectionDescription Options @ PhotometryMenu item Description Options @ ISOQuality AspectRatioOption I1132Th.hootin A/ienu EXP. CompensationScenesthat are mostlysky+1 EV Th*.Shoonq A4*nu PhotometryOptionlDescription @ Continuous Continuous Shooting Using the Playback Menu Playback MenuOption DescriptionRED EYE Removal RemovalThcPly kA,1u n Slide ShowMENU/OK Reset ALL Th*P/aybck A4*nuSET ALL Picurenoproeced ProecedpicureCopy pictures between internal memory and amemory card Press MENU/OK TipCopyingPicturesBetweenMemoryCardsALL Frames FrameImage Rotate Zoom indicator TrimmingSetup Menu Using the Setup Menu2Pressthe selector down to en- ter the menu Highlighted optionMenuitem Description Options Default Playbackvolume AdjustItlAUTOPOWEROFF =/LANGImage Disp ResetTIMEDIFFERENCE, and Videosystem to Frame no Frome NumberDigital Zoom LCD Power SaveLCD Brightness Format Auto Power OFFTipReactivatingtheCamera After changing time zones, check that Date and time are correctOptional Accessories TVcTvoi/cTb/efrom Hird-por ty suppliersUSB SDcard slotor cardreaderAccessories from Fujifilm Cleaning Caring for the CameraStorage and Use CondensationTroubleshooting Power Battery Problem Possiblecause SolutionShooting Problem Possiblecause Solution Menus Displays Problem Possiblecause SolutionProblem Possiblecause Solution Is notProblem Possiblecause Solution Playback Problem Possiblecause SolutionPictBridgerinted Miscellaneous Problem Possiblecause Description Solution Following warnings are displayed in the monitorInsertanewcard Cannottrim Printererror Glossary Internal Memory/Memory Card Capacity SizePixe!sIle size Lal memorySpecifications Self-timer FocusAutofocussystemContrast-detect White balancePower sources Batterylife NP-45Camera dimensions Shooting weight FinePixJ250 Approx0peratingtemperature DimensionsW x H x DWeight Power cable model 85 mmColorTelevisionSystems Fujifilm Digital Camera Worldwide Network Argentina101 GmbHLe2 PT. Modern InternasionaI, Tbk FUJ IFI LM