FujiFilm J210 owner manual Glossary

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Digitalzoom:Unlike optical zoom, digital zoom does not increasetile amount of visible detail. Instead,details vis- ible using optical zoom are simply enlarged, producing a slightly "grainy" image.

DPOF(Digital Print Order Format):A standard that allows pictures to be printed from "print orders" stored


in internal memory or on a memory card. Tile information in the order includes the pictures to be


printed and the number of copies of each picture.


EV (Exposure Value):The exposure value is determined by the sensitivity of the image sensor and the amount of light that enters tile camera while the image sensor is exposed. Eachtime tile amount of light doubles, EV increasesby one; each time the amount of light is halved, EVdecreasesby one. The amount of light entering the camera carl be controlled by adjusting aperture and shutter speed.

ExifPrint:A standard that allows information stored with pictures to be used for optimal color reproduction dur- ing printing.

JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group):A compressed file format for color images. The higher tile compression rate,the greater tile lossof information and more noticeable drop in quality when the picture is displayed.

MotionJPEG:An AVI (Audio Video Interleave) format that stores images and sound in a single file, with the images recorded in JPEGformat. Motion JPEGfiles carl be played in QuickTime 3.0or later.

Smear:A phenomenon specific to CCDswhich causeswhite streaksto appear when very bright lig ht sources,such asthe sun or reflected sunlight, appear in the frame.

Whitebalance:Tile human brain automatically adapts to changes in the color of light, with tile result that objects that appear white under one light source still appear white when the color of the light source changes. Digital cameras carl mimic this adjustment by processing images according to the color of tile light source. This process is known as "white balance."

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Contents BeforeYouBegin FirstSteps BasicPhotographyandPlayback DiGiTAL CameraSeepage Camera Setup QuestionCamera Q & a KeyphraseQuestion Keyphrase Seepage Viewing Pictures Question Keyphrase SeepageSharing Pictures Question Keyphrase Contents Appendix TroubleshootingConnections Viewing Pictures Printing Via TechnicalMonitor pg.96 About This ManualCTURESTABILIZAT!ON DUALISMODEpg.16FinePJ2S0FinePix J210Supplied Accessories Move cursordown Parts of the CameraMonitor PlaybackJ12/31/2050 4000 AM SRlii Scenerecognitiona point RED-EYEREDUCTIONReduce redCharging the Battery EablebatteryTypeATypeB Page Inserting the Battery Tip Usingan ACAdapter Removingthe BatteryInserting a Memory Card Card will be used for recording and playbackMemoryCards RemovingMemoryCards Inserting aMemoryCardPage Tip Switchingto PlaybackMode Shooting ModeTipSwitchingtoShootingMode TipAutoPowerOffPress MENU/OK Basic SetupTaking Pictures in I1 Auto Mode IndicatorDescriptionTipIntelligentFaceDetection Tip FocusLock Seleci-i-ilozoom our SelecEelozoom7bkingPktursin Auto//od HoldingtheCameraIii FrammgGuideline DUALISMODEFinePixJ250only Indicators Disp/yed HiddenIf the camera isable to focus,it will beep twice ShootHalfway focusframe Nq h ure,in Au o A4od Bcuses on subjecNdicor/amp IndicatorlampIndicatorLamp 7hkingP£t csin Auto i/odtViewing Pictures TipThePlaybackMenuDeleting Pictures Option Description Intelligent Face Detection and Red-Eye RemovalDiiq*nF c ,D*t+*ion nd R*d/* i¢*rowl GreenborderNtdfiq nt F eDttion nd Rcd /yRcmowi Shoot Press the shutter button all the way down to shootPress hdfwoy FocusFouso k Astheback0roundMacro Mode Close-ups Mode Description Using the FlashRed-EyeRemoval Press the shutter button halfway to focus DP Using the Self-TimerIntelligentFaceDetection Shooting Mode Mode Type of subject or scene detectedSFJ!itiSCENE Recognition Igid zoom Optics/zoom Bmbinedzoom Digital ZoomPress the selector up or down to ,A,,AdA Highlight @ Shooting ModeNIGHTTRIPODblur SceneSport NightOffmuseum Scene DescriptionParty Capture indoorPlayback Options ChoosingaDisplayFormatDisplayed Hidden Ayb ck Op one PressDISP/BACKto exit zoomAybck Op one TipsDeletingPictures Deleting PicturesPressthe selector up or down to Highlight Frame or ALL FramesFRAMEDeletingSelectedlmages ALL FRAMESDeletingAlllmagesPressthe shutter button all the way down to start recording Recording MoviesRecopdnq ov es Progress is shown in the monitor during play- back ProgressbarTipViewingMoviesona Computer Viewing Pictures on TV Connecting the Camera Printing Selected Pictures Printing Pictures via USBPictBridge TipPrintingtheDateof Recording Printing the Dpof Print OrderSconnectngthe Camera II with DATEI/WITHOUT Date Creating a Dpof Print OrderRoPoF,00001 Toolnumberofprin5 Number of copies Reset ALL Viewing Pictures on a Computer Installing FinePixViewerIf the InstallerDoesNotStartAutomatically Wnq Piturson dompu r Installing FinePixViewer- Macintosh CPUFreedisk space Video Other From Connecting the Camera Disconnectingthe Camera MCautionsUpdatingFinePixViewer UninstaiiingFinePixVieweii Desired option Using the Shooting MenuShooting Menu Selector up or Down to f,,A@ Photometry MenuitemShootingmode Facedetection Description Options@ ISO Menu item Description OptionsI1132 QualityAspectRatio OptionEXP. Compensation Th.hootin A/ienuScenesthat are mostlysky+1 EV Photometry Th*.Shoonq A4*nuOptionlDescription @ Continuous Continuous Shooting Playback Menu Using the Playback MenuDescription OptionRemoval RED EYE RemovalSlide Show ThcPly kA,1u nMENU/OK Picurenoproeced Proecedpicure Reset ALLTh*P/aybck A4*nu SET ALLPress MENU/OK TipCopyingPicturesBetweenMemoryCards Copy pictures between internal memory and amemory cardFrame ALL FramesImage Rotate Trimming Zoom indicatorHighlighted option Setup MenuUsing the Setup Menu 2Pressthe selector down to en- ter the menu=/LANG Menuitem Description Options DefaultPlaybackvolume Adjust ItlAUTOPOWEROFFReset Image DispTIMEDIFFERENCE, and Videosystem to Frome Number Frame noLCD Power Save Digital ZoomLCD Brightness Auto Power OFF FormatTipReactivatingtheCamera Date and time are correct After changing time zones, check thatSDcard slotor cardreader Optional AccessoriesTVcTvoi/cTb/efrom Hird-por ty suppliers USBAccessories from Fujifilm Condensation CleaningCaring for the Camera Storage and UsePower Battery Problem Possiblecause Solution TroubleshootingMenus Displays Problem Possiblecause Solution Shooting Problem Possiblecause SolutionIs not Problem Possiblecause SolutionPlayback Problem Possiblecause Solution Problem Possiblecause SolutionPictBridgerinted Miscellaneous Problem Possiblecause Following warnings are displayed in the monitor Description SolutionInsertanewcard Cannottrim Printererror Glossary Lal memory Internal Memory/Memory Card CapacitySizePixe!s Ile sizeSpecifications White balance Self-timerFocus AutofocussystemContrast-detectShooting weight FinePixJ250 Approx Power sourcesBatterylife NP-45 Camera dimensionsPower cable model 85 mm 0peratingtemperatureDimensionsW x H x D WeightColorTelevisionSystems Argentina Fujifilm Digital Camera Worldwide NetworkGmbH 101Le2 PT. Modern InternasionaI, Tbk FUJ IFI LM