Nikon D3 brochure Kenji Miura commercial, Photographer Japan

Page 7

Flash Accessories

i g h t s


Your file, your vision





e e d l



Expand the possibilities of your flash photography

Capture NX software: master post-production


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Finally, software that brings out the best in everyone

C a p t u r e N X

For press photography as well as photographers more com- fortable with wired flash synchronization, Nikon offers additional flash accessories. They are also indispensable for Nikon D-SLRs that lack a built-in wireless commander (such as D60, D40) for off-camera flash operation.

Post-production will never be the same. Simple and sophisticat- ed by design, the new Capture NX is easy, intuitive and incredi- bly fast, turning complicated photo editing into a few clicks of the mouse. No more number crunching. No more guesswork. Thanks to Nikon’s exclusive new U Point Technology, Capture NX does all the calculations for you, making it the first truly usable editing software for all levels of photographers. Image editing has never been so comprehensive, fast and fun!

© Joe McNally

Sync Terminal Adapter


for D80, D60, D40

The AS-15 is compatible with the D80 and D40 which feature standard ISO-type accessory shoe but lack a sync terminal for large studio strobes.



TTL Remote Cord

SC-28/SC-29 (1.5m)

for D3, D300, D200, D80, D60, D40

The TTL Remote Cord SC-28/SC-29 makes off-camera TTL flash con- trol easy and assured. With the Nikon digital SLRs, the SC-29 also works as an external AF-assist illuminator.

Revolutionary: U Point

Technology benefits

Color Control Points:

Easy to view and reposition, this amazing new system lets you adjust the color of any part of your image in a fraction of the time that other image editing tools require. A quick adjustment to a point’s slider can adjust hue, saturation, bright- ness and more with immediate, sophisti- cated results.

Black, White, Neutral Control Points:

These Control Points help correct color casts and refine color balance, adding more depth and dynamism to your images.

Show Selection for Accurate Control:

This feature turns your image into black

Red-Eye Reduction:

Now red-eye is a breeze to remove. Just place a Red-Eye Reduction Control Point over the eyes, click, and it’s gone.

Easy-to-use Selective Tools

Take advantage of commonly used enhancement tools. In addition to familiar selections like Lasso and Marquee, the Brush tool can now paint in or paint out an enhancement.

NEF (Nikon Electronic Format)

With Capture NX, you’ll never have to worry about damaging your original NEF file data, even after dozens of adjust- ments. All your original data and a thumb- nail are saved automatically, along with a set of every enhancement command applied to it. Ordinarily, any change made

Kenji Miura — commercial

photographer (Japan)

Both professionals and amateurs alike now have a new world of post-produc- tion opportunities available to them. The beauty of Capture NX is its simplicity. Conventional software requires a count- less series of steps, with each individual effect a new stage in the process. For many photographers, this demanded

Power Bracket Unit

SK-6A*(for SB-800)

for D3, D300, D200, D80, D60, D40

Not only does the SK-6A enable you to use the camera-mount- able SB-800 as a grip-type flash,

High-Performance Battery

Pack SD-8A(for SB-800)

for D3, D300, D200, D80, D60, D40

The SD-8A is designed for use with the SB-800 to shorten flash recycling time and

&white, with Control Point adjustments in white so that you know immediately what is affected.

to a file affects the original data, but Nikon’s original technology makes this simple to avoid by converting original JPEG and TIFF images conveniently into NEF files. How’s that for easy?

frustrating amounts of memory and patience. Capture NX makes the process easy and intuitive. Whether it’s the sky or skin tone, simply point to an area you want to adjust, click, and it’s done! Hours of work can now be accomplished in

it also offers you remote-flash capability. Used as an external power source or in combination with the Speedlight’s own power source, the SK-6A reduces mini- mum recycling time by nearly half while doubling the total number of flashes available.

*The SK-6 may be substituted for the SK-6A in some countries.

enhance flash capacity. It accepts six 1.5V LR6 (AA-size alkaline), 1.2V KR-AA (R6/AA- size NiCd), 1.5V FR6 (AA-size lithium) or 1.2V R6/AA-size Ni- MH batteries.

Color Control Points

Show Selection

Red-Eye Reduction





This unique interface makes editing

incredibly simple. Just drag the slid-

ers to the left or right. No other soft-

ware is this intuitive.

minutes, easily, and without requiring years of knowledge and experience.



































Image 7
Contents D300 D200 D80 D60 D40 Nikkor Lenses Coolpix Lineup Steady shots night or day Power when you need it View with clarity and comfortMaintain the exposure Flash Value FV Lock Go the distance more flash powerSoften the light bounce flash Capture the action Auto FP High-Speed SyncWindow Emphasize the dancers shape appropriately Joe McNally Photojournalist U.S.ASpeedlight tips colored gels Bouncing light off the cream-colored wallClose-up lighting Step-by-step Brighten your subject for natural beautySpeedlight tips close-up lighting Color Filter Holder Attachment Ring SX-1Speedlight Stand AS-20 Adapter Rings IR Panel for Built-in Flash SG-3IRPhotographer Japan Kenji Miura commercialCamera Control Pro Image Authentication Software Windows onlyRemote control accessories Battery packs and power managementGPS cable/Wireless transmitters Interchangeable Focusing Screens Viewing attachments Close-up accessoriesViewing Atta Chment p18 TEN-PIN Remote Accessories p17 CLOSE-UP Accessories p19Power Sources p16 Speedlights pp4-12 Focusing Screens p18High performance that satisfies all shooting styles Ultimate in Nikon FX-format performanceUltimate in Nikon DX-format performancer Precision crafted, for the ultimate digital SLR experience