With built-in TTL meter
The Micro-Nikkor has an automatic diaphragm and
aset of click-stop aperture settings ranging from f/2.8 to f/32. The Micro-Nikkor couples fully to the thru- the-lens meter. of any F/F2 Nikon Photomic or other Nikon/Nikkormat camera for full aperture ex- posure measurement over the entire range of aperture settings. Note that when this lens is used with non-AI cameras, "manual" maximum aperture indexing is required.
When close-up attachments such as a PK ring or bel- lows are used, the exposure measurement method is shown in the table on the left. When the lens is mounted in the reverse position, the stop-down method should be used.
See the instruction manual supplied with your camera or Photomic viewfinder for details.
Caution: 1) When the stop-down method is used at small apertures, a finder eyecup should be attached to the finder eyepiece to ensure complete exclusion of stray light.
2)When the lens is used with the Nikon F-401/N4004, the camera meter coupling function does not operate and the exposure indicator LEDs do not appear.