Nikon S6 manual Playback Options The Playback Menu, Print Set, Print set

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Playback Options: The Playback Menu

To display the playback menu, press the button to select playback mode ( 19) and press the button. See page 17 for more on using the menus.







Display the setup menu.



Print set

Select pictures for printing.



Slide show

View pictures in an automatic slide show.




Delete all or selected pictures.




Protect selected pictures from accidental deletion.



Transfer marking*

Change transfer marking for existing pictures.



Small pic.

Create a small copy of the current picture.




Copy fi les between memory card and internal memory.



* To select multiple pictures for deletion, protection, transfer, or copying:



Scroll through pictures. Current picture

shown at center of display.

Repeat steps 1–2 to select addi-

3 tional pictures. To deselect picture, highlight and press rotary multi se- lector down.

Select current picture. Selection shown

by icon.


The Playback Menu

Complete operation. Confirmation

message may be displayed.

Print Set

Create digital “print orders” for PictBridge printers and devices that support DPOF ( 61).


Image 90
Contents $4!, #!-%2 Trademark Information Menu Guide Technical Notes Wireless Transfer and PrintingIntroduction First Steps Camera Operations Basic Photography and PlaybackFor Your Safety Turn off in the event of malfunctionIii Use only adapters designated for use with this productCoolpix S6 RSS-GEN Exposure of Humans to RF Fields Table of Contents Menu Guide Connecting to Televisions, Computers, and PrintersWireless Transfer and Printing ViiTechnical Notes Use Only Nikon Brand Electronic AccessoriesEN-EL8 rechargeable battery ViiiIntroduction Before Taking Important PicturesLife-Long Learning Parts of the Camera Monitor 17, 74, 80 Attaching the Camera StrapAttach the strap as Shown at right Press up or down Rotary Multi SelectorRotate highlight Press center select Menu HelpMode Button Shooting ModesPlayback Modes Monitor PlaybackNumber of exposures 103Current frame number COOL-STATION USB connectorCOOL-STATION and AC Adapter Supplied MV-15 COOL-STATION can be used toAC Adapter CameraRemoving the Battery Inserting the BatteryClosecover the battery-chamber/memory card slot First StepsCharging the Battery MH-62 Battery ChargerInserting Memory Cards Inserting Memory CardsWrite Protect Switch Be formatted when this switch is in the lock positionRemoving Memory Cards Camera Operations Turning the Camera on Playback ModeAuto Power off Stand-by Mode Turning the Camera on and OffZoom Digital zoom is in effectDigital Zoom Focus and Shutter Release During RecordingHighlight menu item Using MenusHighlight mode Highlight optionTurn the camera on Basic Photography and PlaybackMode Holding the CameraDeleting Unwanted Pictures Press the button again to return to shooting modeViewing Pictures Deleting the Last ShotUsing the Flash Mode DescriptionFlash Lamp Blur warning may be displayed When Lighting Is Poor AF-assist illuminator may lightRed-eye Reduction About twenty seconds, the picture will be recorded autoTaking Pictures with the Self-Timer Display self-timer menuHighlight option Use to reduce blur Use for self-portraits Macro Close-up Mode Focuses continuously until shutter-releaseButton is pressed halfway to lock focus Take picture One-Touch Portrait ModePress Button Icon is displayed Face-Priority AFExp. + One-Touch Portrait MenuOption Description Pictures, positive values brighter picturesScene Mode Scene mode The following scenes are availableScene and Scene Assist Modes Party/Indoor Setting IconsFollowing scenes are available Beach/SnowClose Up Dusk/DawnNight Landscape MuseumRight Bottom To top To left Taking Pictures for a PanoramaPanorama Assist Left toPanorama Assist Using Exposure Compensation in Scene Mode Display scene menu Highlight Exp. +Scene Assist Mode Display shooting mode menu Highlight , , , orFeature a landmark in the background Night Portrait mode Night Portrait Assist Use for a natural balance betweenAF-assist available Recording Movies MoviesRecording Movies More on MoviesFollowing options are available Movie MenuMovie Options OptionElectronic VR Auto-focus ModeChoose how the camera focuses in movie mode Single AFMovie Playback Full-frame playback 43, movies are indicated by a iconControl File number Voice RecordingsMaking a Voice Recording Cording will end automatically after fiveVoice Recording Menu Select High for high quality, Normal for reduced fi le sizeVoice Recordings Playing Voice Recordings Volume †Progress indicator HighlightCopying Voice Recordings Deleting Pictures Viewing Pictures on the CameraViewing Multiple Pictures Thumbnail Playback PressPlayback zoom display Picture in 3 × Taking a Closer Look Playback ZoomCreating a Cropped Copy Cropped CopiesLighting Enhancing Contrast D-LightingConfirmation dialog displayed Highlight OK Create copy See the Appendix for more information on D-Lighting copiesPlaying Voice Memos Voice Memos Recording and PlaybackRecording Voice Memos Deleting Voice MemosViewing Pictures by Date Calendar/List by DateHighlight List By Date List-by-Date Mode Choose a date from a listDisplay playback mode menu Print set Slide show Delete ProtectView other pictures taken View playback menu Calendar modeViewing Pictures Small picView Pictmotion Pictmotion by muveeCreating a Pictmotion Movie Highlight All imagesChoose date Confirm on To create a custom Pictmotion movieAll images Confirm off YesOther Options Steps 1 and 7 on PictmotionPictureProject Viewing Pictmotion Movies Highlight movieViewing Pictures on TV Connecting to Televisions, Computers, and PrintersStart a computer to which PictureProject has been installed Viewing Pictures on a ComputerMarking Pictures for Transfer PictureProject Transfer ButtonDisconnecting the Camera Choosing a USB Option for Connection to a ComputerPictureProject Button Printing the Date of Recording on Pictures Printing Pictures Via USBOther Ways to Print Pictures Print set DateConnecting the Printer TorPrinting Pictures One at a Time Highlight option and pressPaper Size Choosing Print selection displays the menu shown in Step Printing Multiple PicturesPrinting Selected Pictures Dpof printingCreating a Dpof Print Order Print Set Highlight Print selectedPrint Set ImageLink ImageLinkAd-hoc peer-to-peer network Wireless Transfer and PrintingConnecting to a Wireless Network ChannelChoose one of the following options SettingsConfiguring the Camera IngIf the Wireless Camera Setup Utility Is Not Installed Dialog at right will be displayed click NextOn. Click Next to proceed Ning Windows XP Service Pack 1, the dialogSetup type RationAd-hoc Mode ProfilesEnter TCP/IP settings 69 and click Next Windows Select a printer from the pull-down down menuWireless Network Settings MAC Address FilteringPort Numbers Auto Power Off Connecting to the NetworkDisplay shooting mode menu Display profile list HighlightWireless Transfer Camera off or press the button and select another mode Wireless Status LEDButton Saving Pictures Directly to the Computer Shoot & Transfer Wireless PrintingPD-10 Wireless Printer Adapter PressingShooting Menu Settings Image ModeCurrent setting is shown by an icon in the display Menu GuidePreset White Balance Preset White BalanceHighlight White bal. preset White BalanceSingle Exp. +Continuous Multi-shotInterval Timer Photography Interval Timer PhotographyBest Shot Selector BSS SensitivityColor Options AF Area ModeChoose where the camera focuses Make colors more vivid or record pictures in monochromePrint set Playback Options The Playback MenuPrint Set Complete operation. Confirmation Message may be displayedProtect Slide ShowDelete Transfer MarkingSuited to television playback Small PicCopy Suited to display on web pagesMenus Basic Camera Setup The Setup MenuDefault Settings Choose how menus are displayedDate Clock BatteryWelcome Screen Set camera clock to current date and time see belowTo change the home time zone, select in and follow Steps Following display options are available Monitor SettingsPhoto Info DisplayDate Counter Date ImprintImprint date information on pictures as they are taken Sample date counter time stamps are shown belowAF Assist Sound SettingsAdjust the following sound settings Blur WarningLanguage Reset allFormat Memory/ Format Card InterfaceApproved Memory Cards Optional AccessoriesTechnical Notes ImageLink-compatible printer adapter PV-11 Dock InsertCaring for the Camera Handle the lens and all moving parts with careCleaning Do not use alcohol, thinner, or other volatile chemicalsError Messages Display Problem SolutionStorage Format Camera Replace card NotBut Cording picture Card Insert new memory cardIng Off and reconnecting cable Lens errorNo wireless Profi les Create profi le Computer or access pointTroubleshooting Problem SolutionElectronically Controlled Cameras White balance does not match light source Using fl ashUse fl ash ModeFor Continuous Choose correct video mode Mode Check that correct profi le is selectedAdapter or access point USB cable is not correctly connectedTime Zones AppendixSupported Standards 100Default Image Mode 74, Movie Options 36, and Sound Quality SettingRestrictions on Camera Settings Copies Identifier Image File and Folder NamesOriginals Identifier Copies 44, 45Specifications Power sources Wireless StandardsAccess protocols Battery lifeRated output Rated inputRated capacity Length of cordIndex 107Monitor settings 108 -!