Nikon F3HP, 1412059 instruction manual Specifications

Page 44

SPECIFICATIONS -------------

Type of camera

35mm single-lens reflex

Picture format

24mm x 36mm

Lens mount

(standard 35mm film format)

Nikon bayonet mount


Nikkor 5011.2, 5011.4, 5011.8,


and Nikon Series E 5011 .8 as


standard; more than 55 Nikkor


and Nikon Series E lenses



Horizontal-travel, titanium focal -

Shutter speeds

plane shutter

Auto: Electromagnetically con-


trolled stepless speeds from 8 to


1/2000 sec.; Manual: Quartz/


electromagnetically controlled


discrete speeds from 8 to 1/2000

sec., plus B and X (l /80 sec.);


mechanical: T setting on shutter


speed dial and 1/60 sec . when


using backup mechanical


release lever

Shutter release

Electromagnetic shutter release;


initial pressure on shutter release


button switches on meter (alter


power switch is turned on). meter


then remains on for 16 sec. after


finger is taken off button

Backup mechanical Trips shutter at 1/60 sec. regard-

release lever

less of shutter speed dial setting


except at T; used when batteries


are dead

Self -timer

Quartz-timed 10 sec. delayed


exposure; LED blinks at 2Hz for


first 8 sec. then at 8Hz for last 2 sec .

Exposure control

Aperture-priority automatic


exposure with manual override


and backup mechanical control;


through-the -Iens, full aperture


metering via silicon photo diode


(SPD) with center -weighted


metering pattern and metering


circuits incorporated into


camera body; meter works with

Film speed range

all Viewfinders

ASA 12 to ASA 6400

Metering range

EV I to EV 18 at ASA 100 with



PrOVided; ±2 EV in one -third

compensation dial


Exposure memory

Provided; operates on Auto to


electronically lock in shutter



Accessory shoe

Provided; special Nikon type


located at base of rewind knob;


accepts Nikon SB- 12 shoe-


mounting electronic flash unit or

TTL connecting cord from SB-11 for TTL direct flash output control using camera's SPD metering cell

Flash synchronization Speeds up to 1/80 sec. with electronic flash; with SB-12, flash sync is automatically set to 1/80 sec. when shutler speed dial is set ai "A, " or 1/125 sec. or above; flash synchronizes with shutler speed set at slower shutler speed settings; threaded sync terminal

Image 44
Contents Nikon Nomenclature Page Table of Contents Foreword Replace the battery Chamber lid Remove the battery Chamber lid @Install the batteries Touch the shutter release Button @ lightly Move the power switch to uncover the red dotCheck battery power Open the camera back Install the film cartridgeMount the lens onto Camera Insert the film leader in the takeup spool Close the camera back Take up the film slack Make blank exposures Until the frame counter @ showsSet the ASA film speed Set th~ camera for automatic Operahon.11Hold the camera Steady Focus on the subjectSet the lens aperture Infocus Inside the viewfinderTake the picture Advance the filmRem~ve the film Cartndge.15 Push in the rewind button @Rewind the film Turn the camera off Controls in Detail Shutter speed dialControls in Detail Stop action Subject motion blur Ill Exposure memory lock buttonExposure compensation dial @ ASA film speed dial @Memo holder @ Shutter release button @Film advance lever @ Frame counter @Multiple exposure lever @l BatteriesBackup mechanical release lever Depth-of-field preview button CDControls in Detail Meter coupling lever For non-AI Nikkor lenses with automatic diaphragmsSelf-timer Mirror lockup leverAccessory shoe @ Eyepiece shutter lever @Sync terminal @ Viewfinder illuminator @Film plane indicator @ Infrared focusing indexAbout the Liquid Crystal Display LCD Evrangeofthecamera EV Range of the Camera EV Chart Accessories Interchangeable viewfindersInterchangeable focusing screens Accessories Motor Drive Speedlights Other Accessories Tips on Camera Care Never attempt to disassemble or repair the camera yourself Specifications Frame counter