Nikon F3HP, 1412059 instruction manual Accessories

Page 38


Focusing Screen Selector Guide

Type A: M~Ue/Fresnel field with 3mm; circular split-Iml.lge rangefinder spot and 12mm~ c ircle. Rapid and o!Iccurote focusing. Excellent for general photogrophy.

Type B: Matte/ Fresnel field with 12mm; line-ground matte focusing spot

In the center. Good for general photography , especltlUy with long






Type C : Fine-ground matte field with 4mm; clear spot o!Ind cross hair.



For photomicrography, ostrophotogrophy and other high-magnifi-



cation applications. using ~rollax focusing on aerial images.



Type D: Overilll line-ground malte Ileid. For specialized close-up

photography and for use with long lenses.


Type E: MatteI Fresnel field with 12mm; fine-ground matte spot and

etched horizontal and vertical lines. Ideal for architectural photog- rllphy.

Type G : Cle"r Fresnel field with extro!l -bright l2mm ; mlcroprism focus- ing spot for viewi ng lind focusing in poor light. Four models (GJ-G4) o!Ire o!IvlIllllble corresponding to specific focal length lenses. Depth of field cllnnot be observed .

Type H: Cle"r Fresnel field with microprism focusing Po!J,ttern over the entire screen lire". Permits ro!lpid focusing on lIny Po!J,rt of the screen with optimum edge-io-edge brightness in poor light. AVllilllble in four models (HI-H4)corresponding to Po!J,rticulllr focal length lenses.

Type J: MlIUe/ Fresnel field with centro!ll microprlsm focusing spot and 12mmjll Circle. Good for generlll photognphy .

Type K: Comblno!ltion 01 Type A and 1 screens. Malle/Fresne l field with 3mm pf spiit-imllge rangelinder spot surrounded by I mm-wide micro- prism doughnut. Ro!Ipld &1d accurate focusing lor subjects with both slralght lines o!Ind ill-defined contours. Suilo!lble for general photog- raphy.

Type L: Same as Type A screen bul with split -imllge range linder line at lI45° &1gle. Best for subjects with horizontal lines.

Type M: Fine-ground Fresnel field with 5.5mm; clear spot and double cross hair for use In po!Irallllx focusing on o!Ierlal image, plus millimeter scales for calculation of IndiVidual mllgnification of objects or for measuring objects. Brilllo!lnt imo!lge in dim light. Suitable for close-ups, photomicrography and other high-magnification o!Ipplications.

Type P: SlIme as Type K but with split-Image ro!lngefinder line o!It o!I 45 0 lingle and etched horizontal and vertical lines o!IS an aid to composition. Rapid and accurate focusing for subject with horizontal or vertical lines or ill-defined contours. Suito!lble for genero!li photography.

Type R: Same liS Type A but with rangeflnder prisms 01 sloping surfaces at a smllUer angle and horizontaillnd vertical lines 10 aid proper com- position . Works best with lenses having maximum o!Ipertures from 113 .5

to 1/5.6.

Type T: Matte/Fresnel field with split-Image rangeflnder, l2mm~ re- ference circle, and horizontal and vertlclillines. Used whe n preparing slides for TV broadcasts . Dotted lines indicate stando!lrd TV screen format. Solid outline shows "So!Ife action" area, whereas broken lines indicate nSo!lfe title" area.

Image 38
Contents Nikon Nomenclature Page Table of Contents Foreword Replace the battery Chamber lid Remove the battery Chamber lid @Install the batteries Touch the shutter release Button @ lightly Move the power switch to uncover the red dotCheck battery power Open the camera back Install the film cartridgeMount the lens onto Camera Insert the film leader in the takeup spool Close the camera back Take up the film slack Make blank exposures Until the frame counter @ showsSet the ASA film speed Set th~ camera for automatic Operahon.11Hold the camera Steady Focus on the subjectSet the lens aperture Infocus Inside the viewfinderTake the picture Advance the filmRem~ve the film Cartndge.15 Push in the rewind button @Rewind the film Turn the camera off Controls in Detail Shutter speed dialControls in Detail Stop action Subject motion blur Ill Exposure memory lock buttonExposure compensation dial @ ASA film speed dial @Memo holder @ Shutter release button @Film advance lever @ Frame counter @Multiple exposure lever @l BatteriesBackup mechanical release lever Depth-of-field preview button CDControls in Detail Meter coupling lever For non-AI Nikkor lenses with automatic diaphragmsSelf-timer Mirror lockup leverAccessory shoe @ Eyepiece shutter lever @Sync terminal @ Viewfinder illuminator @Film plane indicator @ Infrared focusing indexAbout the Liquid Crystal Display LCD Evrangeofthecamera EV Range of the Camera EV Chart Accessories Interchangeable viewfindersInterchangeable focusing screens Accessories Motor Drive Speedlights Other Accessories Tips on Camera Care Never attempt to disassemble or repair the camera yourself Specifications Frame counter