S ys t em flash units
Using a flash is more fun than ever before. It’s no wonder, because with Metz system flash units, absolute operating comfort is available. Clearly-arranged displays, some of them even illuminated, give information, for example, about what values the respective flash pro- gram completely automatically sets. Sophisticated flash techniques are therefore child‘s play to use. There is also the guaranteed future factor for units with an integrated USB port. It’s not for nothing that the mecablitz 58 AF-1 digital was given the prize for the “Best Flash Unit in Europe 2007/2008”*. Mecablitz 48 AF-1 can proudly dis- play the Tipa Award “Best Accessory 2008”.
* EISA Award 2007/2008
F l a s h t i p
Spanning large distances:
The choice of flash mode decisively affects the mood in photography. The pictures compared on this page show an effectively brightened subject that was at a great distance. In this con- nection, it was wise to use a powerful flash unit such as the Metz mecablitz 58 AF-1 digital. It can also brighten parts of pictures distant from one another both effectively and extremely accurately. There are special camera-specific functions available for this purpose, depending on the version.