Kodak M380, L0904572 manual Appendix

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Limited warranty

Kodakwarrants its digital camerasand accessories(excludingbatteries)to be free from malfunctionsand defectsin both materialsand workmanshipfor the warrantyperiodspecifiedon your KodakProductpackaging, Retainthe original dated salesreceipt, Proofof purchasedate is requiredwith anyrequestfor warranty repair,

Limited warranty coverage

Warrantyserviceis only availablefrom within the countrywhere the Productswereoriginally purchased.You maybe requiredto ship Products,at your expense,to the authorizedservicefacilityfor the countrywhere the Productswere purchased,Kodakwill repairor replaceProductsif theyfail to function properlyduring the warrantyperiod,subjectto any conditionsand/or limitations stated herein.Warrantyservicewill includeall labor aswell asanynecessaryadjustmentsand/or replacementparts,If Kodakis unableto repair or replacea Product,Kodakwill, at its option, refundthe purchasepricepaidfor the Productprovidedthe Producthasbeen returnedto Kodakalong with proof of the purchasepricepaid, Repair,replacement,or refundof the purchase

priceare the sole remediesunder thewarranty. If replacementpartsare usedin makingrepairs,thosepartsmay be remanufactured,or maycontain remanufacturedmaterials,If it is necessaryto replacethe entire Product,it

maybe replacedwith a remanufacturedProduct,RemanufacturedProducts,partsand materialsare warranted for the remainingwarrantyterm of the original Product,or 90 days after the date of repairor replacement,

whicheveris longer, Limitations

Thiswarrantydoesnot covercircumstancesbeyond Kodak'scontrol, Thiswarrantydoesnot applywhen failure is due to shippingdamage,accident,alteration, modification,unauthorizedservice,misuse,abuse,usewith

incompatibleaccessoriesor attachments(suchasthird partyink or ink tanks), failure to follow Kodak's operation,maintenanceorrepackinginstructions,failure to useitemssuppliedby Kodak(suchasadaptersand

cables),or claimsmadeafter the durationof this warranty. Kodakmakesno other expressor impliedwarranty forthis product,Inthe event that the exclusionof anyimpliedwarranty is ineffectiveunderthe law,the duration

of the impliedwarrantywill be the length of the expresswarranty periodspecifiedon your Kodakproduct packaging,Theoption of repair,replacement,or refund is Kodak'sonly obligation. Kodakwill not be

responsiblefor anyspecial,consequentialor incidentaldamagesresultingfrom the sale,purchase,or useof this productregardlessof the cause.Liabilityforanyspecial,consequentialor incidentaldamages(including but not

limitedto lossof revenueor profit, downtime costs,lossof the useof the equipment,cost of substitute equipment,facilities orservices,or claimsof yourcustomersfor suchdamagesresultingfrom the purchase,use,

orfailure of the Product),regardlessof causeor for breachof anywritten or impliedwarrantyis expressly disclaimed.


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Contents Loading and charging the batteries Installing the softwareUsing an accessory SD or Sdhc Card O1 Turning on the camera Setting the language and date/time Takinga picture Reviewing pictures/videos Transferringpictures/videos Getting helpfrom your camera Keep learning about your camera Front view Backview Doing more with your camera Use this modeTaking a video Using Scene SCN modesUsing the 5X zoom Flash fires Using the flashUsing the menu button to change settings Understanding the picture-taking icons Viewing pictures as thumbnails Working with pictures/videosDeleting pictures/videos Understanding the review icons Share your stories Share your stories StatusSolution Solving camera problemsAppendix Appendix Appendix VCCl Class B ITE ChinaRollS Kodak