Kodak L0904572, M380 manual Appendix

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Your rights

Some states or jurisdictions do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, Some states or jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you, This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state or by jurisdiction,

Outside the United States and Canada

In countriesother than the UnitedStatesand Canada,the termsand conditionsof this warranty maybe different. Unlessa specificKodakwarranty is communicatedto the purchaserin writing by a Kodakcompany, no warrantyor liability existsbeyondanyminimumrequirementsimposedbylaw, eventhoughdefect, damage, or lossmaybe bynegligenceor other act,

FCC compliance and advisory


ODAKEASYSHAREM380DigitalCamera ]

Thisequipmenthasbeentested and foundto complywith the limitsfor a ClassBdigital device,pursuantto Part 15 of the FCCRules,Theselimits are designedto provide reasonableprotection againstharmful interferencein a residentialinstallation,Thisequipmentgenerates,uses,and canradiateradiofrequencyenergy and, if not installedor usedin accordancewith the instructions,maycauseharmful interferenceto radio communications.However,there is no guaranteethat interferencewill not occur in a particularinstallation, If this equipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferenceto radio or televisionreception,which canbe determinedby turningthe equipmentoff andon, the useris encouragedto try to correctthe interferenceby oneor moreof the following measures:1)reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna;2) increasethe separationbetweenthe equipmentandthe receiver;3)connectthe equipmentto an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiveris connected;4) consultthe dealeroran experiencedradio/TVtechnicianfor additional suggestions. Any changesor modificationsnot expresslyapprovedbythe partyresponsiblefor compliancecould void the user'sauthority to operatethe equipment,Whereshieldedinterfacecableshavebeenprovidedwith the productorspecifiedadditionalcomponentsor accessorieselsewheredefined to be usedwith the installationof the product,they mustbe usedin orderto ensurecompliancewith FCCregulation.




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Contents Installing the software Loading and charging the batteriesUsing an accessory SD or Sdhc Card O1 Turning on the camera Setting the language and date/time Takinga picture Reviewing pictures/videos Transferringpictures/videos Getting helpfrom your camera Keep learning about your camera Front view Backview Use this mode Doing more with your cameraUsing Scene SCN modes Taking a videoUsing the 5X zoom Using the flash Flash firesUsing the menu button to change settings Understanding the picture-taking icons Working with pictures/videos Deleting pictures/videosViewing pictures as thumbnails Understanding the review icons Share your stories Share your stories Solving camera problems StatusSolutionAppendix Appendix Appendix VCCl Class B ITE ChinaRollS Kodak