recycling, disposal, 51 regulatory information, 55 reset camera, 40 Review button, 39 reviewing pictures/video
deleting, 21 LCD, 19
safe mode, 40 safety, 52 SD/SDHC Card
inserting, 6 printing from, 44
search pictures, 23
select multiple pictures/videos, 31
self-timer, 17 setting
about this camera, 41 auto focus, 40 camera sounds, 40 computer connection, 40 date and time, 5 format, 41
language, 40
LCD brightness, 40 long time exposure, 39 picture size, 39
slide show, 40
tag people, 39 setting up the camera, 1 settings
picture, video size, 39 Share, 39
settings menu, 39 Share button, 33 Share settings, 39 shutter
problems, 45
shutter button, 7 single frame, 30 slide show settings, 40 smart find, 23
social networks, 33 software
upgrading, 51 software downloader, 42 sounds, 40 specifications, camera, 49 strap, 1
tag people setting, 39 tagging
keywords, 37 people, faces, 35
taking a picture, 7 taking a video, 11 taking pictures, videos, 7 television, slide show, 32 thumbnail view, 22 time, setting, 5