Sigma QUick Infrared Camera manual Detector Linearity, Saturation, Read Noise, Dark Current

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QUIRC User Guide

in cases where the background has been changing rapidly. It may also give better results if the dome flat was not evenly illuminated (it is difficult to achieve even illumination at the 0.6m telescope). The dark should be subtracted from the sky before division. The disadvantages of this technique are that the sky flat shows the response of the detector to the OH airglow + thermal emission. In particular, fringing may be present in certain configurations (e.g. 2.2m f/10 1:1), and fringing is something which should be subtracted, not divided.

The number of bad pixels usually dictates a special technique for observing in which several exposures are made of the field being studied, with each exposure shifted slightly from the others (dithering). When the images are combined, the bad pixels in one image can be “filled in" with good pixels from a shifted image. This technique also improves flat-fielding relative to a single long exposure at the same position.

It is recommended that at the start and end of each night dome flats and darks be taken. The darks should ideally be exposures of the same length as the object exposures. Even if the darks are not directly used in the reduction, they will serve to show which pixels have high dark counts so that these pixels can be included in a bad pixel mask. Dome flats are generally taken as a lights on/lights off pair. Using this strategy results in a difference image (ON – OFF) which represents the detector’s flat-field response to a source with color temperature of a few 1000 K, which is roughly the same temperature as some of the sources being studied.

The shutter is a leaf type shutter, meaning than the center part of the aperture is open slightly longer than the outside. Recent tests showed significant center-to-edge illumination differences for integration times less than 1 second. Therefore, short exposures should be avoided, particularly when exposing dome flats—it is far better to dim the lights with the domelight dimmer switch and use an exposure of a few seconds than to use the dome lights at full intensity and an exposure which is less than a second (this can introduce spurious radially varying structure into the flat-field). There is an uncertainty in the timing of the shutter of the order of 10 millisec. Therefore, short standard star exposures should also be avoided—on the 2.2m, the Elias standards may need to be slightly defocused to allow reasonable exposure times in the broad filters.

At the 2.2m telescope there is a slight rotation in the nominal cassegrain rotator position (270). The rotation was measured in February 1996 to be 0.883 degrees CCW (e.g., N is rotated 0.883 deg E of vertical when displayed in the normal way). One could attempt to adjust slightly for this by changing the rotator position, or adjust for it later during data reduction. If the precise rotation and scale is important to the observations, one must measure this carefully during the run since the exact rotation value is likely to change slightly between runs when the instrument is taken off the telescope and remounted.

2.1Detector Linearity, Saturation, Read Noise, Dark Current

Hard saturation of the detector occurs at 50,000 ADU’s. The total gain of the system results in a scale factor of 1.85 electrons/ADU. Recent tests (2/96) showed the device to be linear to better than 1% for values up to about 44,000 ADUs. However, the gain and illumination is variable across the array so care must be taken so that parts of the array are not saturating when the average ADU value is getting close to the non-linear region. The average value should be kept below 40,000 ADUs to ensure that one is not saturating areas of the array. The average detector dark current is ￿0.8 electrons/sec, and the read noise is ￿15 electrons rms.

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Contents Observer’s Guide for Quirc Page System Overview Near-Infrared Observing TechniquesDetector Linearity, Saturation, Read Noise, Dark Current Dewar Temperature Setup and Observing with QuircCamera Sensitivity Workstation setup Telconfig06quircQcdcom Setup and Operation Fp qrcTaking exposures Filters and Focusing Writing Scripts and Taking MosaicsFocusing 8QUIRC User GuideRunning VF to display data Cold RestartTaking Dark Frames Image display options Setting upQuick VF tips Qcdcom commands DSP initialization commandsCommands for setting up and taking exposures October30 Filter hnum commandiSet filter Go hnumiStart exposure Status shows the current parameters Diagnostic commands Program counts the errors