Philips 5FF2, 52PFL7432, 10FF2 user manual Phillips Photo Manager Overblik, Vis Foto

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4.Phillips Photo Manager

4.Phillips Photo Manager


Skærmen for neden er det første billede du ser når du starter din Photo Manager. Herfra kan du styre alle funktionerne. Skærmen er opdelt i følgende sektioner som er beskrevet for neden:

1Photo Manager Værktøjslinje Værktøjslinjen er placeret helt øverst til venstre på skærmen, og indeholder funktioner som Kopier, Klip, Sæt Ind, og Slet. Du har også mulighed for at ændre sprog eller, eller hente slettede billeder fra Papirkurven.

2Vis FotoIndstillinger: Knappen Indstillinger lader dig ændre på nogle af programets funktioner, som f.eks. at Photo Manager automatisk starter når din PC starter, samt ændringer i programmets sprog indstillinger

Manual backgroundNyt Album: Knappen Nyt Album gør det muligt at oprette nye albums på hukommelseskortet eller på din PhotoFrame.

Manual backgroundOmdøb Album: Tryk på Omdøb Album for at ændre navnet på et valgt album. Et keyboard vises på skærmen.

Manual backgroundKlip: Når du har markeret et foto kan du bruge knappen Klip til at fjerne det valgte foto. Du kan ved at bruge Sæt Ind tilføje dit foto til et andet album.

Manual backgroundKopier: Når du har markeret et foto kan du bruge knappen Kopier til at kopiere det valgte foto. Du kan ved at bruge Sæt Ind tilføje dit foto til et andet album, mens det beholder sin oprindelige plads.

Manual backgroundSæt Ind: Når du har brugt Klip eller Kopier kan du bruge Sæt Ind til at tilføje et klippet eller kopieret foto til en ny mappe, eller et nyt Album

Manual backgroundSlet: Ønsker du at slette et Foto eller et helt abum skal du markere det, og herefter trykke på Slet. Det valgte Foto eller Album bliver flyttet til parpirkurven.

Manual backgroundPapirkurv: Tryk på Papirkurv for at se indholdet i papirkurven. Du kan nu flytte Fotos eller Albums fra papirkurven, tilbage til deres oprindelige plads, eller en anden ønsket placering.

Manual backgroundLuk: Tryk på Luk få at minimere programmet. Programmet vil herefter køre i din PC’s proceslinje.

Du kan til enhver tid åbne programmet igen ved at højre klikke på ikonet Manual background der er vist i proceslinjen og vælge “Vis Photo Manager“. Du kan også vælge at afslutte Photo Manager ved at klikke på “Afslut Foto Manager”.

2Vis Foto

Viser det valgte Foto med en række oplysninger som Navn, fil størelse og Foto opløsning.


Phillips Photo Manager Overblik

Image 76
Contents PhotoManager 10FF2 Series 7FF2 Series 5FF2 SeriesPage Table of contents Photo Manager FeaturesUsing the Photo Manager Welcome to Photo Manager2. Photo Manager Features 1. Welcome to Photo Manager3. Getting Started 3.2 Installation3.1 System Requirements 3.3 Start Philips Photo Manager4. Phillips Photo Manager Overview 2 Photo Preview5. Using the Photo Manager 5.1 Setting up Photo Manager3 The PC Frame Folder Tree ViewUsing the Photo Manager 5.2 Crop Photos 1 Preview in PhotoFrame2 Original Picture 3 Tools Information Area5.3 Cutting, Copying and Pasting Photos Copy Zoom & CropPaste 5.4 Create New Albums 5.5 Renaming Albums5.6 Deleting Albums and Photos Delete Album/DeletePage Contenu 1. Bienvenu aux utilisateurs dePhoto Manager 2. Fonctionnalités de Photo Manager2. Fonctionnalités de Photo Manager 1. Bienvenu aux utilisateurs de Photo Manager3. Pour commencer 3.1 Spécifications du système3.3 Démarrer Philips Photo Manager Quitter Photo Manager Terminate Photo ManagerPhoto Manager 4. Vue d’ensemble de Phillips1 Barre d’outils de Photo Manager Nouvel album New Album Le bouton Nouvel album New Album vous permet4 Aperçus de miniatures Thumbnail Previews 5 Stockage de PhotoFrame PhotoFrame Storage3 Structure de l’ordinateur The PC Frame Avertissement5. Utiliser Photo Manager 5.1 Configurer Photo ManagerOnglet AutoRun Onglet Langue Languageen fonction des touches de commande sélectionnées Onglet Carte mémoire Memory Card5.2 Rogner des photos 1 Aperçu dans PhotoFrame Preview dans PhotoFramePivoter Rotate 4 Outils ToolsUtiliser Photo Manager 5.3 Couper, copier et coller des photos Copier Copy Couper CutColler Paste 5.4 Créer des nouveaux albums1 Sélectionnez l’album à renommer 5.5 Renommer les albums5.6 Supprimer les albums et les photos Inhalt Willkommen bei Photo ManagerLeistungsmerkmale von Photo Manager1. Willkommen bei Photo Manager 2. Leistungsmerkmale von Photo ManagerSie können Fotos kopieren, verschieben und löschen Gelöschte Fotos können aus dem Papierkorb wiederhergestellt werden3.1 Systemanforderungen 3. Erste Schritte3.3 Starten von Philips Photo Manager 4. Übersicht über Philips Photo Manager 2 Fotovorschau 3 PC-BereichWarnung Ordner-Verzeichnisansicht5. Bedienungsgrundlagen für Photo Manager 5.1 Einrichten von Photo Manager5.2 Zuschneiden von Fotos 1 Vorschau in PhotoFrame Preview in PhotoFrame2 Originalbild Original Picture Bedienungsgrundlagen für Photo ManagerInformation Information 4 Extras ToolsDrehen Rotate 5.3 Ausschneiden, Kopieren und Einfügen von Fotos Kopieren Copy Ausschneiden CutEinfügen Paste 5.4 Erstellen neuer Alben5.5 Umbenennen von Alben 2 Klicken Sie entweder auf das Symbol Umbenennen Rename , oder klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Album, um das Untermenü aufzurufen, und klicken Sie dort auf Umbenennen Rename5.6 Löschen von Alben und Fotos Sommario Benvenuti in Photo ManagerFunzioni di Photo Manager Operazioni preliminariBenvenuti in Photo Manager Funzioni di Photo Manager3. Operazioni preliminari 3.2 Installazione3.1 Requisiti di sistema 3.3 Avvio di Philips Photo Manager4. Cenni generali su Philips Photo Manager Cenni generali su Philips Photo Manager2 Anteprima delle foto 3 Il riquadro PCAttenzione 4 Anteprima delle miniature5. Uso di Photo Manager 5.1 Configurazione di Photo Manager5.2 Ritaglio delle foto 1 Anteprima in PhotoFrame2 Immagine originale 3 Area delle informazioni sugli strumentiInformazioni Information 4 StrumentiRuota Rotate 5.3 Ritagliare, copiare e incollare le foto Copia Copy Taglia Cut5.4 Creazione di nuovi album Incolla Paste5.6 Eliminazione di album e foto Gli album e i file si eliminano allo stesso modoСодержание Краткие сведения о программеPhoto Manager Возможности программы Photoпрограмме Photo Manager 1. Краткие сведения о 2. Возможности программыPhoto Manager 3. Приступаем к работе 3.1 Системные требования3.2 Установка 3.3 Запуск программы Philips Photo Manager4. Краткое описание программы Phillips Photo Manager 1 Панель инструментов программы Photo Manager2 Просмотр фотоснимков 3 Фото на ПКПредупреждение Древовидная структура папок5. Работа с программой Photo Manager 5.1 Настройка программы Photo ManagerВкладка Автозапуск AutoRun Нет No 2 Для подтверждения сделанного выбора нажмите OK5.2 Обрезка фотоснимков Предварительный просмотр вфоторамке PhotoFrame Preview in PhotoFrame3 Панель Инструменты - Сведения Tools - Information 4 ИнструментыСведения Information Повернуть Rotate5.3 Вырезание, копирование и вставка фотоснимков Копировать Copy Вырезать CutВставить Paste 5.4 Создание новых альбомовПримечание все удаленные файлы будут помещены впапку Корзина Recycle Bin ПредупреждениеContenido 1. Bienvenido a Photo Manager2. Características de Photo Manager Primeros pasosManager Bienvenido a PhotoCaracterísticas de Photo 3. Primeros pasos 3.1 Requisitos del sistema3.2 Instalación 3.3 Abrir Philips Photo Manager1 Barra de herramientas de Photo Manager 4. Vista general de Phillips Photo Manager“Cerrar Photo Manager Terminate Photo Manager” 3 Cuadro del PC AvisoVista en árbol de las carpetas 4 Vista previa de miniaturas5. Utilizar Photo Manager 5.1 Configuración de Photo Manager2 Haga clic en “Aceptar OK” para confirmar los cambios realizados Ficha AutoRun5.2 Recortar fotos 1 Vista previa en PhotoFrame Preview in PhotoFrame2 Imagen original Original Picture 3 Área Herramientas - Información Tools Information AreaGirar Rotate Información InformationZoom y recortar Zoom & Crop 5.3 Cortar, copiar y pegar fotos Copiar Copy Cortar Cut5.4 Crear nuevos álbumes PegarAviso 5.6 Eliminar álbumes y fotosInhoud Welkom bij Photo ManagerPhoto Manager eigenschappen Beginnen2. Photo Manager 1. Welkom bij Photoeigenschappen 3. Beginnen 3.2 Installatie3.1 Systeem vereisten 3.3 Het starten van Philips Photo Manager1 Photo Manager Taakbalk 4. Overzicht Philips Photo ManagerOverzicht Philips Photo Manager 5. Het gebruik van de Philips Photo Manager 3 De PC FrameWaarschuwing 5.1 Het instellen van de Photo ManagerLanguage tab 2 Klik op “OK” om de verandering te bevestigenMemory Card tab Het gebruik van de Philips Photo Manager5.2 Foto’s couperen 5.3 Knippen, kopiëren en het plakken van foto’s Copy 5.5 Het hernoemen van albums 5.4 Creëer nieuwe albums5.6 Het wissen van albums en foto’s Page Indhold Velkommen til Photo ManagerPhoto Manager Fuktioner Kom Godt Igang1. Velkommen til Photo Manager 2. Photo Manager Funktioner3. Kom Godt Igang 3.1 System Krav4. Phillips Photo Manager Overblik 2 Vis Foto5. Brug Af Photo Manager 3 PC RammeAdvarsel StifinderBrug Af Photo Manager 5.2 Beskær Fotos 1 Vis i PhotoFrame2 Original Foto 3 InformationZoom & Beskær 5.3 Klippe, Kopiere Og Indsæt Fotos KopierKlip Sæt Ind5.4 Opret Nyt Album 5.5 Omdøb Albums5.6 Slette Albums og Fotos HuskPage 欢迎使用Photo Manager Photo Manager特点启动Philips Photo Manager Phillips Photo Manager概述2. Photo Manager特点 1. 欢迎使用Photo Manager欢迎使用Photo Manager / Photo Manager特点 3. 入门 第5部分使用Philips Photo Manager。128MB内存,100MB空闲硬盘空间,16位高 彩显示器适配器。 1 将CD插入电脑的CD-ROM,CD会自动播 放。4. Phillips Photo Manager概述 设置Setup:新相册New Album: 重命名相册Rename Album: 点击重命名相册Rename Album按钮来调 出键盘输入窗口。使用Photo Manager 文件夹树形图Folder Tree View:缩略图预览Thumbnail Previews PhotoFrame存储2 点击“确定OK”,确认更改。 记忆卡Memory Card选项卡:Photo Manager会自动调整复制到 PhotoFrame的所有照片的大小。1 相框预览Preview in PhotoFrame 2 原始图像Original Picture3 工具信息区Tools Information Area 信息Information:1 选择PhotoFrame或目标记忆卡。 如果照片大小小于540x720或720x540像素, 会显示以下警告消息。当复制、移动或删除PhotoFrame内的照片 时,切勿断开PC与PhotoFrame间的USB连 接,这样做可能造成数据或照片丢失。 2 点击新相册New Album图标,以调 出键盘形式Keyboard Form窗口。5.6 删除相册和照片 删除相册和文件的方式相同: 1 选择想要删除的相册/照片。 2 点击删除Delete图标 ,或右击副 菜单并点击删除相册/删除Delete Album/ Delete。3 类似于以下所示窗口的确认窗口会弹出, 请您再次确认。点击是Yes。 注意: 所有删除的文件会移至回收站Recycle Bin内。 注意: 如果硬盘仅有最小空闲存储空间, 则不允许备份。Page Photo Manager へようこそ Photo Manager の機能Philips Photo Manager の概要 Photo Manager の使用Photo Manager へようこそ Photo Manager の機能Philips Photo Manager for PhotoFrame は、Philips PhotoFrame と PC 間で写真を管理するための Windowsはじめに Photo Manager の使用を開始するには、5 章「Photoプログラムを終了するには、Terminate Photo Manager(Photo Manager を終了する)を選択します。 システム条件4. Phillips Photo Manager の 1 Photo Manager ツールバーRecycle Bin(ごみ箱):Recycle Bin(ごみ箱)ボタンを できます。また、Terminate Photo Manager(Photo5. Using the Photo Manager 5.1 Photo Manager の設定PhotoFrame ストレージ Phillips Photo Manager の概要 / Photo Manager の使用Memory Card(メモリーカード)タブ: Language(言語)タブ:Photo Manager の使用 Information(情報): Rotate(回転):Preview in PhotoFrame(PhotoFrame でのプ 2 Original Picture(元の画像)Zoom & Crop(ズームとトリミング): 5.3 写真の切り取り、コピー、貼り付け Copy(コピー):Cut(切り取り): 警告: メモリーカードから写真を切り取って PC に移すことはできクしてサブメニューを表示し、Delete Album/Delete( 新しいアルバムの作成アルバムと写真の削除 5.5 アルバムの名前の変更2007 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights reserved Document order number 0000 000
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52PFL7432, 5FF2 specifications

The Philips 42PFL7432, 32PFL7932, 52PFL7432, and 32PFL7332 models are part of a distinguished line-up of LCD television sets that encapsulate Philips' commitment to high-definition entertainment. These TVs are designed to provide users with a premium viewing experience through advanced technologies and features.

One standout characteristic of these models is their incorporation of Full HD resolution. With a pixel resolution of 1920 x 1080, these televisions deliver sharp, detailed images that truly enhance your viewing experience. The high-resolution display allows for vibrant colors and deep contrasts, ensuring that both bright and dark scenes are rendered beautifully.

The Ambilight feature is another defining technology of these Philips TVs. Ambilight creates a stunning visual effect by expanding the TV's screen through a halo of light that adjusts in color and intensity based on the on-screen content. This immersive experience not only enhances the viewing environment but also reduces eye strain during prolonged use.

In terms of audio quality, these models are equipped with integrated stereo speakers that provide clear and powerful sound. The incorporation of Dolby Digital technology ensures your audio is as rich as your visuals. For those who desire a more cinematic experience, these TVs are compatible with surround sound systems, allowing for a customizable audio setup that suits individual preferences.

Connectivity options are robust, with multiple HDMI and USB ports available on the 42PFL7432, 32PFL7932, 52PFL7432, and 32PFL7332. This allows for easy connection to a range of devices, including gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and streaming devices, facilitating a seamless entertainment experience. The built-in tuners for digital TV signals mean that viewers can easily access a wide range of channels without the need for additional equipment.

Energy efficiency is also a key characteristic of these models. They are designed with eco-friendly features that help to reduce energy consumption, making them not only an excellent choice for sustainable living but also beneficial for your electricity bill.

In conclusion, the Philips 42PFL7432, 32PFL7932, 52PFL7432, and 32PFL7332 models offer a blend of advanced display technologies, immersive audio, and user-friendly connectivity options. With their innovative features and designs, these televisions cater to the diverse needs of modern audiences, ensuring an enthralling entertainment experience for viewers of all preferences.