•TELEZoom OpticalzoomTELE:PressingtheZOOMTbuttonThiswitlzoomintothe.
subjecti. thesubjectwillappearnearer.. DigitalzoomTELE:Whenthemaximum(5X)opticalzoomisselected,
pressingtheZOOMTbuttonactivatesthedigitalzoom softwareReleasingZOOMTbuttonstopsthedigital. zoomingattherequiredsettingOncethemaximum. digitalzoom(5X)isachieved,pressingtheZOOMT buttonwillhavenoeffect.
•WIDEZoom OpticalzoomWIDE:PressingtheZOOMWbuttonThiswillzoomoutfrom.
T O, thesubjecti. thesubjectwillappearfartheraway.. PressingtheZOOMWbuttoncontinuouslywillsetthe cameratoitsminimumzoomsetting.thesubject.
W appearsatitsfarthestfromthecamera.
[ TELE zoom ][ Optica_zoom 2X ][ WIDE zoom ]
Digitalzoom WIDE | : When the digital zoom is in operation, pressingthe | |
| ZOOM W button witlreduce the digital zooming in |
Opticalzoom | steps. Releasing ZOOM W button stops digital | |
Ir | iI mlX5,0 | zooming. Pressingthe ZOOM W button will reducethe |
| digitalzoom and then it willcontinue to reducethe |
| Digitalzoom | opticalzoom until theminimum setting is reached. |
[ WIDE zoom ] | [ TELE zoom ] | [ Digital zoom 5X ] |
[ Digital zoom 5X ] | [ TELE zoom ] | [ WIDE zoom ] |