[ File name ]
•This function allows the user to selectthe file naming format.
•Assigning File Names
1.tn any mode with the exception of Voice Recording mode, press the MENU button.
2.Press the LEFT/RIGHT buttonand select the [SETUP] menu tab.
3.Select the [File] menu by pressingthe UP/ DOWN button and press the RIGHT button.
4.Select a desired sub menu by pressingthe UP/ DOWN button and press the OK button.
[Series]: New files are named using numbersthat followthe previous sequence, even when a new memory card is used, or after formatting,or after deleting all pictures.
[Reset] : After usingthe reset function,the next file name wilt be set from 000t even after formatting, deleting all or inserting a new memory card.
5.Press the menu button twice and the menu will disappear.
-The first storedfolder name is 100SSCAM, and the first file name is SS850001.
-File names are assigned sequentiallyfrom SS850001 _ SS850002 _ ~ SS859999.
-The folder number is assigned sequentiallyfrom 100 to 999 asfollows: 100SSCAM _ 101SSCAM _ ~ _ 999SSCAM.
-The files used with the memory card conform to the DCF (Design rule for Camera File systems) format. If you change the image file name, the image may not play back.
[ Autopower off ]
•This function switches the camera off after a set amount of time in order to prevent unnecessary batterydrainage.
•Sub menus
[Off]: The power off function will not
[1,3, 5,10 mini : The power willturn off automatically if not used for the period of time specified.
-After replacingthe battery, the power off setting win be preserved.
-Note that the automatic poweroff function will not operate if the camera is in PC mode, slide show, playing back a voice recording, playing back a movie clip and taking a compositeshot.
[ Language]
•There is a choice of languages that can be displayedon the LCD monitor. Even if the batteryis removed and inserted again,the language setting will be preserved.
-LANGUAGE sub menu :
English, Korean, French, German,Spanish, Italian, S.Ohinese,T.Ohinese, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish,Swedish, Finnish, Thai, BAHASA(MALAY/INDONESIAN), Arabic, Czech, Polish, Hungarianand Turkish.