Useful Information
Hints for Better Shooting
•Position the subject in the centre of the scene. When using auto focus, whatever is in the centre of the scene is kept in focus.
Position the | Focus manually when |
subject in the | you need to position |
centre. | the subject off centre |
| (see page 47) |
•Avoid backlit subjects. For the best picture, shoot with the light source behind you.
When the background is brighter than the subject, the subject often becomes too dark. If you have to record in this lighting, use Backlight Compensation or correct the iris value to improve the picture (see pages 30 and 50).
•Horizontal panning (lateral movement) and tilting (vertical movement) should be done slowly to emphasize the wide expanse of a scene or the height of a building, and to make scenes easy to watch during playback.
•Use a
•It may take longer to focus when zooming and panning are used frequently.
Light from behind | Backlighting |
•Before zooming, think about how to best frame the shot. Frequent zooming produces unattractive pictures. It also runs down the battery more quickly.
•When image shaking is noticeable during