Demo Details
Table 3. Files Used by the IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo (Continued)
Directory | File Name | Purpose |
Modules\ | CCSPDevice.cpp | Implements the operations of the CCSPDevice class |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | CCSPDevice.h | Function prototype for ccdspdevice.cpp |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | CMailBoxBtil.cpp | Implements the operations of the CMailBoxUtil class |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | CMailBoxUtil.h | Function prototype for cmailboxutil.cpp |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | CVoiceBoard.cpp | Implements the operations of the voiceBoard class |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | CVoiceBoard.h | Function prototype for cvoiceboard.cpp |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | CVoiceDevice.cpp | Implements the operations of the CVoiceDevice |
VoiceModule |
| class |
Modules\ | CVoiceDevice.h | Function prototype for cvoicedevice.cpp |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | CVoiceModule.cpp | Implements the operations of the CVoiceModule |
VoiceModule |
| class |
Modules\ | CVoiceModule.h | Function prototype for cvoicemodule.cpp |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | CVoiceStateMachine.cpp | Implements the operations of the |
VoiceModule |
| CVoiceStateMachine class |
Modules\ | CVoiceStateMachine.h | Function prototype for cvoicestatemachine.cpp |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | VoiceModule.dsp | Visual C++ project file |
VoiceModule |
Modules\ | VoiceModule.lib | Compiled Voice Module library |
VoiceModule\Release |
5.1.2PDL Files
In Windows, the source code files listed in Table 4 are located in:
C:\Program Files\Dialogic\Demos\IPDemo\Shared\
Table 4. PDL Files Used by the IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo
Directory | File Name | Purpose |
pdl_win | iptransport.cpp | PDL IP transport functions |
pdl_win | iptransport.h | Function prototype for iptransport.cpp |
pdl_win | pdl.c | Platform dependency functions |
pdl_win | pdl.h | Function prototype for pdl.c |
pdl_win | pdl.ver | PDL version information |
IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — November 2003 | 27 |