Codec: see COder/DECoder
COder/DECoder: A circuit used on Dialogic boards to convert analog voice data to digital and digital voice data to analog audio.
Computer Telephony (CT): Adding computer intelligence to the making, receiving, and managing of telephone calls.
Emitting Gateway: called by a G3FE. It initiates IFT service for the calling G3FE and connects to a Receiving Gateway.
E1: The 2.048 Mbps digital carrier system common in Europe.
FCD file: An ASCII file that lists any
Frame: A set of SCbus/CT bus timeslots which are grouped together for synchronization purposes. The period of a frame is fixed (at 125 µsec) so that the number of time slots per frame depends on the SCbus/CT bus data rate. In the context of DSP programming (e.g. DM3 component development), the period defined by the sample rate of the signal data.
G3FE: Group 3 Fax Equipment. A traditional fax machine with analog PSTN interface.
Gatekeeper: An H.323 entity on the Internet that provides address translation and control access to the network for H.323 Terminals and Gateways. The Gatekeeper may also provide other services to the H.323 terminals and Gateways, such as bandwidth management and locating Gateways.
Gateway: A device that converts data into the IP protocol. It often refers to a
H.323: A set of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standards that define a framework for the transmission of
IAF: Internet Aware Fax. The combination of a G3FE and a T.38 gateway.
IFP: Internet Facsimile Protocol
IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — November 2003 | 43 |