Opening Image Files in Another Application
You can open the photographs recorded with your coolpix camera in any application that supports JPEG (“.JPG”) or TIFF (“.TIF”) formats. Photographs can be opened directly from the application or by using a
Opening image files by drag-and-drop
Image files that have been selected in the browsing window can be opened in another application by dragging the thumb- nails over an open application window and releasing the mouse button.
The image files will be opened in the host application.
Use the host application’s Save As… command to save the image files in the appropriate folder.
After opening image files captured with the camera in another application, a temporary file containing the image file data is created in the Windows temporary folder (path (Windows folder)\Temp\Camexp\Transfer). As re- peated use of this operation will fill the temporary file, you may wish to delete the contents periodically to clear disk space. If you save the open image file using the Save command, it is saved in the temporary folder. Use the Save As… command to save the image file in the appropriate
Working with
Image Files: