The DPF supports motion JPEG AVI video files. If your movie file is not in AVI format, you may have to convert the file by using a software video converter which is easily found for purchase on the Internet.
Select Media Source for Videos
When you have the VIDEO screen displayed, you can easily select a different media source by selecting the current media source button in the upper right corner and then select a different media source from the Select Media screen.
Watch a Video
1.On the HOME screen, select the
All present video files will be listed, and the first video will begin playing.
2.To pause a video, press ENTER; the video will remain paused until you press ENTER again.
3.Press EXIT to stop the video.
Adjust the Volume
While the video is playing, press ‘+’ or
Video Repeat Mode
By default, the Video Repeat Mode is set to continuously play all video files found on the selected media source until you stop them. If desired, you can change the Repeat Mode to play all video files only once and automatically stop.
1.On the HOME screen, select the
2.Press MENU.
3.Select Repeat to toggle ON/OFF.
Repeat ON (default) = continuously play all video files on the selected media source until you stop them.
Repeat OFF = play the video files only once.