Standard Camera Bracket - Camera Mounting
Mounting your camera on the Standard Camera Bracket
To mount your camera, first select the appropriate slot in the Vertical Cam- era Bracket that will best locate the tri- pod mounting thread on your camera. You may need to reposition the Cap- tive Camera Knob.To remove the knob simply slide it along the slot to the end that has the threaded hole. Carefully unscrew the knob out of the threaded hole, being careful not to crossthread the knob. Replace the knob into the ap- propriate slot by reversing the proce- dure.
Note: Whatever side of the Vertical Bracket you mount your camera on al- ways keep the offset portion of the Vertical Bracket towards the rear of the camera.
The camera knob is a two piece knob, with a inner and outer knob. Before in- stalling the camera knob in the Verti- cal Bracket, turn the inner knob clock- wise into the outer knob until it won’t turn anymore. Next install the knob into the appropriate slot then into the tripod mounting hole of your camera. Turn the inner knob into the camera until it bottoms out, then turn the
outer knob clockwise until the camera is tight on the Vertical Bracket. Don’t worry about getting the camera level at this time, as this is a task you’ll need to do when you’re ready to shoot.
Some models of the Standard Camera Bracket may have the rubberized cork as shown on the left. Newer models have a special anodized coating that will grip the camera.