Ikelite 6038.50 instruction manual Ikelite Video Case, E P a R a T I O N, Sony HDR SX, Main Oring

Page 1
Focus Lock
Power Zoom



￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Sony HDR SX￿￿￿ ￿￿

Thissupplementalsetofinstructionsdescribesadditionalfeaturesspecific toyourhousingmodel￿Priortotestingthesysteminthewater￿pleaseread thissupplementalongwiththegeneralinstructionmanualtobecomefamiliar withitsfeaturesandfunctions￿

IkeliteVideoCasesareslightlynegativeinsaltwaterforstability￿This housinghasbeenwaterpressuretestedatthefactoryandhasaworking depthof￿￿m￿￿￿￿￿￿￿




PACKAGED WITH HOUSING______________________________________________

• External UR￿Pro Color Filter



• Internal Lens Shade



• Silicone Lubricant



COLOR FILTER_____________________________________



The installation and usage of the external UR￿Pro



color filter is described in the general instruction manual￿



LENS SHADE_______________________________________



The internal lens shade helps block light reflection￿



refraction caused by the interaction of the external color



filter and the port￿



Carefully thread the lens shade on the front of the

Color Filter

Lens Shade

camera lens￿ The lens threads are very fine; DO NOT cross thread￿ It should screw on very easily￿ If it is difficult to turn￿ you are cross threading￿

Completely thread the lens shade into the camera to avo id any potential clearance or sealing problems when the camera is installed and the housing is seal ed￿ LCD MONITOR ￿ EXTERNAL MIRROR______________________________________

The camera￿s LCD monitor can be viewed from the rear of the housing￿ using the external mirror featured on the side of the housing￿

Open the LCD monitor on the camera￿ rotate ￿￿￿°￿ and then press it back against the side of the camera￿ The external mirror is hinged so that it can be opened to reflect the image from the camera￿s LCD monitor for viewing from the rear of the housing￿

During transportation￿ please remember to close the mirror by p ressing it against the side of the housing or lid snap￿

BATTERY AND TAPE______________________________________________________

Install a fully charged Sony battery on th e camera:

Sony NP￿FH￿￿￿ NP￿FH￿￿￿ NP￿FH￿￿￿ NP￿ FH￿￿￿

HOUSING CONTROLS________________



• Power On￿Off ￿ Mode





• Start￿Stop



• Snap Shot ￿ Photo



• Power Zoom





• LCD Screen Control ￿￿



• LCD Screen Control ￿￿



• LCD Reversing Circuit On￿Off



• LCD Screen Control ￿￿


• Focus Lock






Lid Snap











Touch Pad

Bottom Bar

Other brand batteries may not fit inside the housing￿

Make sure you have loaded an appropriate digital cassette ta pe in the camera￿ OPTIONAL WIDE ANGLE LENS____________________________________________

The housingMs port accepts optional ￿￿mm threaded waterproof Wide￿Angle lenses such as the Ikelite ￿￿￿￿￿ W￿￿￿￿ Epoque DCL￿￿￿ and Inon UWL￿￿￿￿ Type ￿￿ These waterproof lenses secure to the outside of the lens port￿

Should you elect to use an optional waterproof lens￿ carefully thread the lens on the front of the lens port on the housing￿ The lens threads are very fine; DO NOT cross thread￿ It should screw on very easily￿ If it is difficult to turn￿ you are cross threading￿ INTERNAL WIDE￿ANGLE LENS OPTION ____________________________________

Special ports are available for use with the Raynox HD￿￿￿￿￿ Pro high definition wide￿angle lens￿ optional ports sold separately as do me port ￿￿￿￿￿ or flat lens port

MAIN O￿RING ￿￿￿￿￿_________________

O￿rings last several years if properly

maintained￿ Con trol seals should n ot need to be replaced as long as the control shaft s are kept c lean an d ligh tly lubricated ￿



Snap Shot

for Reverse





￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Raynox HD￿￿￿￿￿ Pro lens not included￿ Lens not available for purchase through Ikelite￿

EXTERNAL WIDE￿ANGLE PORT OPTION ____________________________________

The Ikelite ￿￿￿￿￿ WP￿￿￿ is a complete unit￿ no additional lens or port is required￿ The Wide Angle Port replaces the housing￿s original port and cannot be removed and replaced underwater￿ The WP￿￿￿ is useable above water for up to ￿￿ degree field of view￿ underwater for up to ￿￿ degree field of view ￿exact angle of coverage varies with camera model￿￿

Image 1 Ikelite 6038.50, 12 instruction manual Ikelite Video Case, E P a R a T I O N, Sony HDR SX, Housing Controls, Main Oring
Contents Ikelite Video Case Housing ControlsE P a R a T I O N Sony HDR SXS T a L L a T IO N Camera SettingInserting the Camera